movie review thread

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by paulfastbikes, Nov 9, 2012.

  1. so a big ship and pirates wasn't enough. Jeez Alex, you must have thought Titantic was bullshit too...oh hang on, it was rather wasn't it ;)
  2. At least Titanic was big-screen entertainment instead of shaky hand-held pseudo YouTube footage. Titanic had a grandeur about it, a good (if clichéd) love story. It was like a film from the 50s made with the technology of the late 20th century. And the end was spectacular and tear-jerking.

    Captain Phillips is just propaganda hack-work. I can't understand why critics couldn't see that. They've all been hoodwinked by Hanks.
  3. Can we at least agree that Ghostbusters is one of the greatest films ever made? :Cyclops:
  4. Hanks is an actor I like. Titanic is a pile of festering sentimental shite wrapped up in a boring hyped up pile of insipid dialogue.
    Forrest Gump is an ace film and Tom was great in it. Not seen Cpt Phillips. Ghostbusters is still funny today. Great film.

    Titanic...ffs Glidd youve let yourself down. I shall now look upon you with renewed pity and sorrow. Where did it all go wrong for you Glidd. You can still turn it around.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. There are films I am happy to have seen, and if they are on TV, I might see them again.
    There aren't many films that I want to own, to see multiple times.

    Titanic fitted into the second category. Of course it's melodrama, but I'd sooner have melodrama than propaganda.
    Hanks is admittedly brilliant and I've seen a few of his films, but for some reason neither Forrest Gump (which I'd really like to see) nor Ghostbusters (which I can probably take or leave. But mainly leave).
  6. Forrest Gump is one of those films that from its description and clips you may have seen, may lead you to believe that its rubbish. I assure you it is not. It was a lot different to what I initially envisaged it to be. Its a good good film.

    I dont enjoy romantic drama. I'm not in the remotest sense, romantic. Besides we all know the ending and unless whashername got her puppies out, i am not interested.

    I still say Little Miss Sunshine is one of the best films made in modern times.
  7. Xman not else to say :)
  8. Uh new godzilla is cool if you are a fan of classic one's. It is a classic godzilla with cool effects.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. Forrest Gump is indeed good ad worth your time. Gliddy, get on Amazon right now and order a copy of Ghostbusters. Its the best Saturday Night Live film ever made. Hell, let me know your address, and i'll buy you a copy :p
    • Like Like x 2
  10. gravity was best film i have seen this year 10
    spiderman just a remake was ok 7
    superman too much cgi 5
    kick ass2 8 great fun
  11. I agree, it's a good film. But far, far too long. Edit an hour out of the running time and it would be a better film. Actually that goes for most films.
  12. Prisoners - Hugh Jackman/Jake Gyllenhaal movie. Very good, even at 2.5 hrs.
    Rush - not as exciting as it should be...except for the last 20 mins. Biggest problem I had was during some of the 'racing' sequences you can tell they're not going nearly quick enough and that the footage is sped up. Also doesn't help that Im looking at Brands Hatch and the film is trying to tell me its Paul Ricard. Also Cadwell Park isn't Alexandra Palace. Sucks you right out of the movie
  13. As I say it to my girlfriend when she moans about that sort of things in a movie.

  14. Sure, but when it's obviously wrong... Like they pretend something is happening in Bradford and you happen to know it's in Tower Hamlets because you know the area very well. You just can't "suspend disbelief".
    • Like Like x 1
  15. FFS When you watch a Horror movie it is all also obviously wrong. You do not look at movies as something serious it is fun only.

    If you want serious watch documentary.
  16. When I watch a film, I hope to enjoy the work of the actors, the scriptwriter, the director, and the guys who have done the sets, props, costumes, special effects, etc. If they are good at what they do, that is interesting to watch. "Suspend disbelief"? I don't think so - that's like kids believing in Santa Claus.
  17. 12 years a slave. Watched it with my son the other night. How can Anyone treat another human like that.

    Shame its still happens in Africa, America, Russia, India...UK!
  18. Irvine Welsh's Filth.
    Good Sunday evening grin material if you like his style, just ensure any children are in bed!
    Hamburg scene on ecstasy is highly entertaining.
    • Like Like x 1
  19. So Pete....have you ever cared about characters in a movie or when reading a book? Not cared in a 'falling in love' way, but in a take an interest in how event turn out kinda way? Did you ever root for the good guy in a western? Have you ever cried when watching a movie/reading a book. If yes, then that's suspending disbelief. If no, well errrm, I feel for you buddy :(
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