Oh No You Can't.......

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by mervyn, May 23, 2014.

  1. I was idly looking through Ebay today and spotted a nice looking Xerox 999R.I thought that looks nice,stop looking at it and trying to convince yourself that you want/need it.At that point Mrs mervyn walks past.I ask her if she would like to look at what I had found-No she replied.I followed this up with-shall I get it then :Angelic:.Yes,allright she says:).
    Somebody please tell me that a 999R is a pile of rubbish,I'm to old and broken to have one,and it would be a complete waste of money:(
  2. if you can afford it merv get it.
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  3. Are you planning on buying all the bikes you can find Merv? Leave some bikes for the rest of us mere mortals. :)

    999R is nice. Are you planning on riding it? If you are not then why buy one? :p
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  4. It will be a fab bike, but if I had "ergonomic issues" I wouldn't get one.

    I decided my 999 was built for going fast. Not some of the time, not most of the time, but all of the time. All its design makes sense when that is what you do with it, and not much of its design makes sense when you don't. You can say the same for all Ducati superbikes.

    A 999R is just that idea taken even further.

    I'd be looking at bikes that distill great fun with less extreme ergonomics.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  5. On a good day I will take out my MH900E-I like looking at my bikes,but I won't treat them like trailer queens.If I was to get it,I would ride it.It wouldn't do many miles though.:upyeah:
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  6. Thankyou Glidd for that useful and honest reply.I think I am still in denial over my mobility problems,even though I do get the odd day when I go off for a blast into the countryside.
    Sense dictates that I should stop looking/lusting after every quality bike I fancy.:)
  7. It will kill you unless you are pliable enough to get in the odd position. I rode one for 30 miles and couldn't wait to get off and back on the blade which was armchair comfy and supersonic fast in comparison
  8. its not always about the speed or the handling. if it makes you happy and you can afford it, why not?
  9. Keep the lusting factor, just increase the denial quotient.

    As Glid says, 99% of Ducati superbikes are a pig to ride for 80% of the time. Its the 20% that makes up for it, but generally that means fast and hard riding when they make sense. Its difficult to enjoy riding a ducati superbike slowly, an R even more so I imagine. Although ive never been blessed enough to be able to own an R. But based on both my 916 and 1198, both are a pig slow but a revelation at speed.

    But if you have the means and the space then ignore sense and sensibility and buy the fucker. After all, you are only here once and if it makes you happy, then why not. Bollocks to mobility issues and common sense. Rationality is for the healthy and well adjusted.
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    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  10. said the man with the Nissan Micra ;)
  11. I would rather leave a few nice motorbikes in my garage to my children than a bank savings account.:upyeah:
  12. I was looking at that very 999R Xerox. Im not abig fan of race replicas, but fook me thats nice and I love the black Ohlins forks. Price looks good to me and if I had spare ££ I'd be all over that like a cheap suit. They dont come up often the Xerox reps
  13. i am not in to polishing or even washing the bike to much but i do enjoy just looking at them in the flesh, i tend to get a bit to attached to my lumps of metal so not very good at letting them go, but if necessary i will.
  14. I'm up for adoption if you are?
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  15. Have I told you how much I love Mrs Merv? :)
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  16. Thank you for that.The problem is that most days I am pretty well buggered,and if it wasn't for my family and my dreams/enthusiasm about bikes and owls and bees,and all sorts of things I would go into black hole mode.I do have some bikes in my garage,old Tritons that I havn't ridden now for over three years-but in my mind I will be roaring one down to Brighton any day soon:)I do look at sensible bike options and will probably buy something sensible eventually.In the meantime I am still hoping I will be able to do more rides and enjoy that grin factor that a bike gives.:upyeah:
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  17. fiat panda J to the T to the D and fiat coupe i will have you know. :Finger:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  18. You have-and I will tell Mrs Merv of your feelings:)
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  19. I'd love an old Triton. But I'd need a complete new tool kit. Imperial? Erm...

    Ive never ridden an old brit bike. :(

    My late father was a brit bike fiend. Unfortunately he left them when he treasonously defected to the USA and I was subsequently unable to steal them from him when I became old enough to. Knicked his car though and drunk all his Scottish. Oh and a few tools. Hehe. Cheers Dad.
  20. The first time I rode my Triton it scared the living daylights out of me.Gear lever and foot brake pedal positions reversed to a modern bike.Clunky gearbox and useless brakes.Lots of slipping of clutch to get off the line without stalling-and then having to kick start it again.But once out on the open road with the engine coming on cam-wow.I can imagine what the old rocker boys felt.Funny thing though,and shouldn't be saying this on a bike forum,I was actually a Mod in the sixties-a Lambretta GT 200,taken up to 225cc was my ride.Used to pick up a nicer type of girl on a scooter.:)
    i think my poor old dad,who had a Norton,was very dissapointed in my choice of wheels.
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