Proper job Fig - welcome to the world of vaping. Better than those namby pamby things, not worth the effort. A mate of mine got me to order him an e-cig as he wanted to give up, but he didn't want anything with nicotine, I said he'll never give up without out it, and I was right as he kept lighting up in between vaping. I gave him some of the juice I used and he soon gave up the fags. I've converted about 6 of my fishing mates over to e-cigs and they were all heavy smokers. They all know where I am as you can see the clouds of vapour across the lake. :wink: All you have to do now is buy your juice as individual ingredients and make your own and you'll save even more money££££££
There was a fella a couple of rows in front of me at West Ham today with the biggest e fag I have ever seen. It was like sitting behind "monkey's" cloud !
Convert? I've not had a fag for nearly 6 months, if that's what you mean. Still on the e-fag though, but I'm not worried about that.
I'm just sticking with the smaller Ego cigs, they work for me, and the bigger mods are just too bulky to carry around. I'm now seeing thousands and thousands of people around London using e-cigs; they work.
I've just ordered VIP ones. I don't smoke that much (about 10 a week, if that) but it's about time I knocked them on the head really.
Never smoked in my life - I was in the toilets at school when my mate had his first fag, (in fact I was the only one not smoking) when it got raided. The only thing my mum has ever believed ive ever said when I said I wasn't...that was 30 years ago...he just gave up last year....I cant even think how much he's spent on it...
Tell me about it. I started smoking when I was ten, regularly by 13. By the time I hit sixteen I had a job putting motor casings on a capstan mill, each casing would take 20 minutes to process, and smoking at work was perfectly normal then, so I was on 40 a day at 16.
Interesting lecture about e fags here. Seems they are the way forward , much, much less dangerous than conventional fags apparently.