Back in the "old country" (N.Z) bout 20 years ago, we used to of a Friday night if bored buy a shit car for $50-100.00( mk1/2 Cortina, Anglia, escort, zephyr or caprice) drive thru stuff/over stuff take it up the beach and burn it.... if id have known how much these cars would be worth now..... Na I still would have done it... those memories are priceless and British cars suck no matter how much they are worth now!!!!!!
Ah, the good old days. £50-100 was all I ever spent on cars til I got a company motor (apart from a tuned Mini Cooper S which cost me a bomb to both buy and run). I'd buy anything with tax and mot on it, so I could drive round incognito. If I got stopped I just gave a false name and lobbed the 5-day-wonder out of the window!
Find your way to Send, and the New Inn. The Morgan owners club meet there second Thursday of every month. The cars are just fascinating.
As the ducatisti state a R is always the one to go for so it would have to be this Agera R.Sounds fantastic and stunning performance figures.