Lotto Dream Garage Car Thread!!!!!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by chizel, May 15, 2014.

  1. Back in the "old country" (N.Z) bout 20 years ago, we used to of a Friday night if bored buy a shit car for $50-100.00( mk1/2 Cortina, Anglia, escort, zephyr or caprice) drive thru stuff/over stuff take it up the beach and burn it.... if id have known how much these cars would be worth now..... Na I still would have done it... those memories are priceless and British cars suck no matter how much they are worth now!!!!!!
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  2. Ah, the good old days. £50-100 was all I ever spent on cars til I got a company motor (apart from a tuned Mini Cooper S which cost me a bomb to both buy and run). I'd buy anything with tax and mot on it, so I could drive round incognito. If I got stopped I just gave a false name and lobbed the 5-day-wonder out of the window!
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  3. [​IMG]
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  4. britten
    brough ss1oo
    rc 30 and 45
  5. [​IMG]

    until im rich
    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. [​IMG]

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  7. Find your way to Send, and the New Inn. The Morgan owners club meet there second Thursday of every month. The cars are just fascinating.
  8. As the ducatisti state a R is always the one to go for so it would have to be this Agera R.Sounds fantastic and stunning performance figures.

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