Stan Collymore - Utter Tw@t

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by JR45, May 25, 2014.

  1. From Stan Collymore's Twitter feed...
    "Falklands? Wasn't anyone's. We just thieved it, as we do. What glory, what triumph. A f*cking island with sheep. Rule Britannia"
    Apart from his glaring lack of knowledege about history or geography, this was posted on the anniversary of the sinking of HMS COVENTRY, which makes him not just a moron but a disrespectful moron.
    Just another ill-informed load of drivel from an over-paid, pointless, dick-head footballer.
    ( and further proof that Twitter is populated by morons )
    • Agree Agree x 11
  2. He's also a woman beater

    So overall he's really not worth even discussing the gobby twat
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  3. I'm not on Twitter. Are you?
  4. He's a cnut. Always has been. Always will be. Scummie Brummie, wife-beating, dogging cnut with double standards, a big mouth and comparatively little talent
    • Agree Agree x 3
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  5. one of the reasons Danny Grewcock will always be a hero to me
  6. and its the poorer for it ;)
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  7. If you want to make your feelings known, email [email protected] . She is the Head of Communications at Talksport. You will get an out of office reply but back tomorrow to an in box from hell!

    Many of my service colleagues have done this. Feel free to join us!!
  8. Many thanks for that Paps ! E-mail on its way...
  9. Good news! - Here's an update I found about that twat S.C.
    Lost his job on the telly.

    Stan Collymore: Why has the BBC dropped me and not Jeremy Clarkson?
    Former Aston Villa striker accuses the BBC of hypocrisy after claiming he was dropped as a pundit on Match of the Day 2 for being “controversial”

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    By Ben Dowell

    Wednesday 3 September 2014 at 05:59PM
    Former footballer Stan Collymore has publicly accused the BBC of hypocrisy after claiming that an offer to appear on Match of the Day 2 this season has been rescinded after he made a controversial remark on Twitter about the Falkland Islands earlier this summer.

    The footballer claims that he was asked in May to make some appearances on the show for its coverage of this 2014/15 season but was then dropped after his Falklands tweet drew complaints to the BBC from members of the public.

    But following reports that he was no longer to appear on the show he has written a lengthy attack on Twitter, in which he says that a BBC producer told him he was too much of a “controversial figure” for the show following his Falklands tweet.

    The tweet said: “Falklands? Wasn't anyone's. We just thieved it, as we do. What glory, what triumph. A ****ing island with sheep. Rule Britannia". It drew widespread complaints including a protest by a veterans group outside the offices of his employer TalkSport.

    However, on Twitter Collymore has noted a number of other “controversial” figures who have worked with the BBC in the past including Top Gear host Jeremy Clarkson.

    “If Jeremy Clarkson can work for them, so can I,” he writes.

    In his latest piece, Collymore also admits he still harbours hopes of appearing on Match of the Day 2: “I look forward to appearing several times on MOTD2 this season to add the insight, passion and liveliness to a great show as the producer asked me to do."

    A BBC spokesperson said: “There are no present plans for Stan to appear but we are always in contact with potential guests about ad hoc appearances.”

    A Corporation source said that Collymore’s appointment on the show had never been announced.


    Link with comments:
    Stan Collymore hits out at BBC after being "dropped" from Match of the Day 2
  10. He's a cock... A cock who doesn't even understand the difference between being "controversial" and being an utterly disrespectful dickhead !
    Clarkson, for his faults, does make the most popular show on BBC2. Collymore is a pointless, thick has-been...
  11. I'd never heard of him until now.
    Why would we care what he says? In fact the best advice is to ignore the monumental waste of time that is Twatter altogether.
    Life really is just too short.
    When you finally conk out, you'll regret the several minutes of wasted life that Stan Collymore took up.
  12. The reason why I care, Glid, is that he has a programme on TalkSport - and there are loads of ill-informed, brain-dead morons who follow "celebrities" that get their view of world events from them...
    That, and the fact that I don't like him bad-mouthing a place that I love, and disrespecting those who gave their lives to protect freedom and democracy.
    • Agree Agree x 1
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