So with all the twisted convoluted arguments and counter arguments and the fact no one other than the Scott's have a vote. What do you think? This is open only to non Scottish respondents, so no bootsam, finm. . My view let them go but without any recourse if it all turns shitty. Give them wings let them fly but no nesting again.
If its a 'yes' which I doubt, then its a clean break. End of. I've a feeling it'll rumble on and on whatever the outcome....
take your piece of the debt with you and fook orf.........more jobs there for UKIP border agencies...
Can we do one of those official petition drives again, but instead of asking them to ban vehicle tax for bikes can we ask them to force a referendum on whether to send the Scots packing? I went to Scotland once, I didn't like it so I didn't go back. Scottish people regularly cross the border and spend the entire duration of their visit moaning about the English. I have some advice for you, William Wallace and your blue-and-white-faced, drunken, red-headed, angry chums... Stay at home if you don't like it! The smack is cheaper up there and we don't speak your lingo! In all seriousness though; the only people who care are the people making the most noise. 10% of the population could f*** it up for the remaining 90% if they're the only ones driven to vote.
won't they be voting themselves out of the eu by voting independence and have to negotiate having to join the eu as a new state?
But that's how democracy works. If you can't be bothered to go and vote, don't complain about the result. If 90% of Scots couldn't be bothered to vote about what country they wanted to be you wouldn't have much sympathy for them whatever the outcome. You'd have thought an issue like that would get a 90% turnout.
Scotland has already left the UK. The vote is a formality. I hope we get the border barriered up quickly and we can begin to deport the weegie piss heads sleeping rough in London back home. As a Jock i wish them well even though I disagree with independence. But I am afraid the country is in for a very rude awakening once the party is over.
Alex salmond appears to me to be no different to farage, in that this isn't about the greater good but it's about him and the power he will be allowed to yield and wield. Why would you push for independence from a union that works, that has in history led us to be a major player in world history, that has allowed all nations concerned to punch above their respective weights. I cannot see the benefits that independence will bring. Each nation within the uk has it's own strong national identity and an even greater one as a United Kingdom. Salmond to my mind wants to break this for his own sense of identity and for no other reason.
i don't think its going to happen ether, for me the arguments are very strong for independence, i rate salmond as good politician, i personally would be happy to pay a bit more for the pleasure. i recon a vast majority of the 90% quoted don't bother to vote because the vote don't mean jack. people might start taking more of an interest if they thought there vote meant something. i cant confirm as i don't fly but many of my friends do, most are a lot more cultured and business savvy than me, but being British aint that cool. so i am told.
Farage and Salmond are the same in the way they will feed the peoples predjuces to reach their respective goals. For instance, if The Daily Mail started printing stories about how great immigrants are, people would stop buying it. And if the Guardian backed UKIP likewise would happen. I like the Scots. I spent a lot of time in the North Sea and generally found them a cheerful bunch. I'm married to one too. I hope the 'no' vote prevails and I think it will. Surely to fuck they'll think about it.... Wig wams 20 years from now??? Get tae fuck yooooo....
Being cool has nothing to do with nationality Fin. You either are or you arent. I am not as I am 48yrs old. Neither are you as you dont wash.