E cigs

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by clueless, Dec 24, 2013.

  1. It's a shame the world's governors weren't as concerned for our safety when they signed off the sale of tobacco for general consumption...
  2. ... 400 years ago.
  3. i have gone quiet in the last fortnight and i is chain smoking.
  4. been using fake fags for over a year now,havent lit up a single cancer stick in all that time and feel much better for it.
    having smoked for 40+ years i found patches,hypnosis,gum etc all a complete waste of time but these ecig things have worked a treat so far.

    started with the tesco type things but quickly worked out they were shite after being shown a "rebuildable" one and havent looked back.
    i currently have something called a paps battery holder and a hellfire atomiser,imo a stonking bit of kit.
    i even bought a fake "pipe" which is good also with said hellfire sat on it.
    i get the juice from a place in nottingham called house of liquid and i also make my own,which makes running costs very cheap now,not so much when i started mind.
  5. ...And to the present day. Seems the various governments are so keen to question things when they can tax them...
  6. I'm quite liking mine. Just ordered some flavoured ones too so I can take them on my hols next week :upyeah:
  7. Do yourself a favour and go to Mrs Lord & Co's website and order a bottle of Custard Creams. Bit pricey, but worth every penny:upyeah:
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  8. Loving the coffee flavour. Cherry and strawberry aren't bad. Apple and vanilla - meh.

    Fig.......do you seem to use yours more than you ever did with normal cigs?
  9. Yes, definitely. What I find is that if I'm sat at home or in the pub garden, etc I'm constantly vaping, but when I'm working I forget about it for hours. With cigarettes it was very much more regimented; every half hour or so I'd get a nicotine craving. Now it's all over the place.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. itll settle down and once you get into rebuildables youll find a level where itll probably be down to very little vaping during daytime and then an evening setup where youll puff away merrily.

    having different strengths of juice in your collection is also good i find.

    personally i find "eden" from house of liquids(nottingham based)is a very nice rich tobacco juice and for fruit type i like "sunburst" from H-juice,both uk made juices using proffesional cleanroom setups as opposed to made in someones kitchen n no idea whats in it stuff. ;)

    ukv2 forum is a good beginners forum and once you learn more/get fed up of the chinese clones and cheapo tat and hundreds of internet "experts" , "vapepit forum" is for the more discerning vaper,though it is a dangerous place for noobs n nobheads as theyll rip you a new one if you mention chinese/clones etc as most of the real small time modmakers are members there and hate having thier wares copied..

    whatever,its good youre not inhaling cancer stick,well done,pat yourself on the back. :)
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  11. So even in e-cigs there are tarts..?
    (don't answer that, I worked it out already)

    I stick to simple ego kit cos it...A) Works, and B) Is cheap. I've never seen a better reason to pay extra. By the time you start paying hundreds of pounds into vaping you're in just as bad a position as you were when you were smoking. What's the point other than mod envy?

    My go-to e-fag is a Chinese thing, it lasts all day and all night, has variable voltage, and produces a good vape. £17 well spent.
  12. lol,im afraid the tarts are the ones who whine about the cost of "not dying from lung cancer" after theyve happily spent thousands on cancer sticks for so many years.

    the ones who'll happily stick some chinese bit of tat in their mouth and be proud of it..
    the ones who strive to own a top class motorcycle and yet wear fake rolex and now it seems fake ecigs..

    all the time backing an economy thats happily pushing our own to extinction in order to save some pennies..

    though in your favor you are providing employment to a lot of otherwise unemployed,12yr olds.

    hahahaha tart.

    nice to be able to do that many laughs without coughing....innit


    tbh ego is what everyone starts on i think,till you try something better,and if we didnt have addictive personalities we wouldnt have started smoking,or biking or even sex i suspect.. :)
    and we all said the same as you at the beginning,how stoopid we look now,,,,but happy.
  13. You misunderstand. I don't need to get my nicotine hit from a handmade stainless steel mod costing hundreds of pounds when I can get exactly the same hit from a cheap chinese ego. It ain't my fault no-one in the local economy is catering for the bottom end of the market.

    The idea of giving up smoking in my case is to save money, and I'm doing just that. Without pretending.
  14. i was jesting ;)

    i agree entirely,but,,,you say this now...and so did i..

    but,after 44yrs of smoking i tried and tried to give up the ecigs after about a year and found it didnt happen,i was/am now addicted to blowing steam out of metal tubes and being a shed head,made a couple on the lathe and then joined in others doing the same on various engineering forums and discovered a new "hobby".

    youre very very lucky if you manage to go beyond the ecig stage of ,well,basically doing nothing at all.
    im sceptical only because the three people i know that stopped the ecigs as well,are now back to smoking proper fags..not a good result for anyone really.

    i like being a tart anyway.. ahaha.

    and no,im afraid saying the ego is as good simply isnt true..thats like saying you will sell your duacti and buy a husongyantangtang 650 cos it does the same thing as a 996.
    simply not true .but there is only one way to find out.
  15. I'm using exactly the same e-liquid as you, in an ego device that produces a great vape. I've not had, nor wanted, a fag in 7 months. That says to me it works fine.

    I did buy a whopping great mod, but it was crap.
  16. excellent,glad its working,theres entire goverments that would say otherwise at the moment,would rather you went back to tobacco.

    one whopping mod sounds like another chinese pos to me,hehe

    theres levels of engineering out there on a par and higher than ducati in just the ecig world,madeby proffesional engineers in this fine country of ours that pi$$e$ on whopping great mods.

    i once owned a goldwing,it didnt convince me to go back to a moped,i just tried another whopping great motorcycle.
  17. The whopping great mod was made by Innokin, a well known and reputable company. It was still shit though.

    Look at what you're buying...a tube with a battery and an on/off button. That sounds like about a quid's worth to me. The rest can only be pose value, something I'm not interested in. I don't need ornate carving, I need a tube with a battery and an on/off button...
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  18. [​IMG]
    • Funny Funny x 4
  19. Close enough...
  20. where does the tank go
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