Hi All From Coventry

Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by Sparch, May 29, 2014.

  1. Blimey I'm back at school, where's my satchel!

  2. saturday night is always party night at bootsam's - bring your own spirograph.....
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. Wish I still had my old spirograph. Sigh.

    Still, least I never had a 'satchel'. Pan Am flight bag for me.
  4. i have just changed my mental image of bootsam.......

    • Like Like x 1
  5. How do ! When are they going to finish building that big church?
  6. My Granma bought me the 'satchel', can still smell the leather now. Stiffest satchel I ever had.
  7. Youve had other satchels?

    My Pan Am bag was great for shoplifting in Liptons.
  8. Smaller satchels were handy when it wasn't sports day, the larger ones carried the stinking obligatory white(painted) pumps (plimsoles if you live outside Derbyshire). Ah! Happy days. Did you knock anything off from DR Cresswells?
  9. Nope. Twas the usual childish shoplifting which involved stealing things i never really needed just for the dare. Like perfum or eggs.

    I grew out of it soon enough. When I got caught.
    • Like Like x 1
  10. Hiya. You know what these Polish builders are like. Just don't tell the Germans when we've finished it!
    • Like Like x 1
  11. I had a shoplifting cape

    Oh and welcome
  12. to go with your broom stick?
  13. hi & welcome.

  14. No my chariot of fire ;)
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