Aid And Behaviour

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by bradders, May 29, 2014.

  1. BBC News - Pakistan stoning victim's husband condemns police

    While stuff like this continues, should we cease any form of aid and support until the Govt actually take action and stop it? I'm sure one of the stats from another killing yesterday said a recorded 869 women (well females) had been killed under the category of 'honour'
    #1 bradders, May 29, 2014
    Last edited: May 29, 2014
  2. Two points, two flats, and a packet of gravel.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. If you have to explain it, it can't be funny :p

    Thats a year btw
  4. I hate that expression 'honour' killing since when has murdering a woman been honourable. Feckin misogynistic society.
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  5. Bradders completely believe that whilst this is happening we should at least question or even threaten the withdrawal of aid. However we would then no doubt be accused of being racist. I guess we see our selves in the west as having superior morals, in that we would not inflict this on anyone certainly not in an open forum. However the figures for domestic abuse within this country are incredibly chilling, as are the numbers of children that are abused and even die here. On average a child is killed every 10 days in the UK.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. On this issue, anyone who claims its racially motivated would be more bonkers than half of Farage's entourage. Is it as simple as take control, have some help and we'll even help to solve the issue, in a set in stone timeframe. Do nothing, get nothing.
  7. I don't disagree with you.
  8. in these days of internet and social media they cant be that ignorant or backward surly.
  9. It's not ignorance it's fear. Fear of allowing women an equal standing in society do that and where do you stop? Far easier to keep women subjugated and keep the status quo. Then blame it on religion, it's all about power and the imbalance. Really isn't any different from the politics we have spoken about elsewhere, just far more extreme. You manage to gain power through the use of in this case religion, to maintain this power you need a bogey man or sadly in this case a woman.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. It's just savage behaviour and if that's the state of law and order in that country then damn right we should remove aid.

    Frankly we should anyway, but that's another thread at least 50 pages long :)
  11. utter madness, to kill or hurt let alone stone some one. i beleave the west wasn't much better 200 years ago. its only 4hrs away by plane. wonder who much goes on over here.
  12. A damn site more than we know of, the question is how much goes on over here in the name of honour but gets covered up?
  13. I say we dust off and nuke the site from orbit, it's the only way to be sure...
    • Funny Funny x 1
  14. Now we're talking ..... You do mean the Harley owners site don't you?
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  15. He's quoting Hicks from Aliens, so yeah probably. Stoning it utterly barbaric and the act of honour killing just beggers belief. Despite the vast majority of 'society' being in the 21st century, some feel we're still in a tribal state.
    So should be hold back aid? Yeah probably, but that wouldnt actually help the situation, in fact, it will probably make it worse. There are so many loopholes with foreign aid, that although a good percentage goes to those who need it, by giving the money, we're allowing countries to almost forget about ways to deal with their own problems
    #16 mattmccabebrown, May 30, 2014
    Last edited: May 30, 2014
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  16. Perhaps instead of withdrawing aid then what our government should do is use the money for a continuous awareness campaign until the problem starts to resolve. That way we are still giving aid but to a proper cause which is saving lives and bringing the country on.

    We could even fund a special unit of police over there to tackle exactly this issue.

    The amount of money they get sent is huge (comparatively speaking) so I'm sure there's enough to tackle a specific issue each time
  17. but then in extreme circumstances we'll get a situation similar to Iraq. Its a very fine line between peace keepers and invasion....okay, that may be a bit harsh, but hopefully you get where I'm coming from
  18. Oh I meant funding a special unit of their own police and helping to organise and then pay for an awareness campaign. We wouldn't need to send any special forces in, possibly a few experienced special police units from the uk for training and overseeing for the first few months.

    I can guarantee you if they saw all of their money removed and used for this until things were put in place it'd be done, nothing would be further from their minds.

    Obviously reinstatement of the aid would be based on continuous focus to eradicate this type of behaviour.

    There needs to be an incentive to tackle it but also an awareness campaign to drill it home just how bad a thing it is.

    A law change of the death penalty might help, any caught doing honour killings get stoned to death by women......that'd put an end to it
  19. Ahh, so just like training the new police force in Afghanistan. Sadly that is open to massive levels of corruption, which is still the route of the problem.
    I regard to your last statement, I think youre spot on there.
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