1200 Dealer Poi Files

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Col_C, May 30, 2014.

  1. Touring Europe in a couple of weeks time, just realised the Triumph dealers POI file I have on the Zumo is not going to be a lot of use to me now. doh!
    Anybody found a reliable source of POI (or .gpx) file for Ducati dealers (France, Germany, Italy, Spain) ?
    The yanks seem to have a few files for USA, but found nothing for Europe (or the UK).
    You'd think in this day and age that manufacturers would put them up on their site, but haven't found anything on the Ducati site. :(
  2. no POI file but a quick search found this
  3. Yes thanks Mikele, I had found that but it would turn into a life's work to manually create a POI file from that. If I can't find any existing POI files I guess I'll have to rely on the Ducati Card Assistance if the worst happens, just like to be self sufficient as far as possible.
    Anybody have experience of the DCA service, good or bad?
  4. I had the same issue with Suzuki, even contacted the UK HQ but there was no interest is such a thing for Europe. I find it very strange in this modern age. you could capture the "Locator" map zoomed in to the areas you are visiting as a better than nothing.
  5. Someone called Piero posted a few links on an earlier similar thread on this forum last year, which has now disappeared.

    Fortunately I'd kept the e-mail notifying me that a post had been added to that thread. Don't know how current these are:

    Ducati-Partner Österreich 2010 (http://wiki.desmopedia.de/index.php/Ducati-Partner_Österreich_2010)

    Ducati-Partner Schweiz 2010 (Ducati-Partner Schweiz 2010 – DesmopediA)

    Ducati-Partner Italien 2010 (Ducati-Partner Italien 2010 – DesmopediA)

    Kategorie:Navigation (Kategorie:Navigation – DesmopediA)


    I ended up manually inputting locations of Ducati dealers on my route down to WDW and back in 2012. Glad I did, as I'd never have found Ducati Nice otherwise, when I needed new tyres on the way home.
    • Useful Useful x 1
  6. Found a file on my tomtom rider v5 website downloaded it but it only showed 2 in Spain but maybe there is only 2 in Spain .?
  7. Does the Ducati option satnav come with their POI for dealers ? If so, someone on this board must have one and can export ? Ive been looking for one also for my trip to Croatia and back.

    As Mikele has done, I keep the dealer link on my smart phone as a work around. If the need arises I would just click on the one nearest and then route to the address on my Garmin.
    • Thanks Thanks x 2
  8. Thick Mac (and Garmin) user here. How do I download these and add them onto the Garmin?
  9. Thanks aero! :upyeah: :upyeah:
    Spot on, just what I was looking for but hadn't been able to find the needle in the 'net haystack.

    Twin4me, yea I was slightly confused for a minute, think the language barrier didn't help. The obvious "Toon op kaart" button just takes you to a map display, to download the .gpi file you need to click on the Ducati logo which takes you to a download page. Once you've got the file on your pc you'll need to plug in your Zumo and browse to its \Garmin\POI folder and copy the file to there.
    Once loaded you can access the dealer list & info via:- Where To > Extras > Custom POIs.
    Also if the map is zoomed in far enough you'll see the Ducati logo on the map, this works even when you're not specifically looking for a dealer. When I had the Triumph I would occasionally drop in to a dealer that I noticed on the Zumo just because I happened to be passing close by.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  10. Think I will have a look with tyre and see if it loads to tomtom :)
  11. Thanks a lot...
  12. Can't get it to load onto tyre can anyone load it from there garmin to tyre then it will load back to tomtom ,:) let me know :) please
  13. Hi Big stu
    No experience of TomToms.......thought tyres were those round black things that stop ya rims getting scratched. :)

    Now you've got the .gpi file try converting it on this site:-
    GPS Visualizer: Web interface to GPSBabel
    input file format will be Garmin Points of Interest (.gpi)
    output I'm guessing will be TomTom POI file (.ov2)
    Hopefully that will then go into Tyre

    I've tried the converter from .gpi to .gdb (another Garmin format) and seems to work ok other than getting a few extra random letters in the address detail etc.

    Checked a couple dealers that I know and waypoints seem to be about right, tried a few more on GoogleEarth Streetview and all looks good. :upyeah:
    • Useful Useful x 1
  14. Thanks I'll have a look ;)
  15. I just converted the Garmin gpi file above into a Tom Tom ov2 POI file using the visualiser posted above by col_c.

    It then loaded straight into Tyre, and the locations look good!

    I then loaded it into my Rider 2013.

    Many thanks all!!
  16. Although the dealer names are up to date, for the two I checked local to me (Blade Reading and Ducati Aylesbury), the POI map locations are a few miles out in each case.
    At least you'd know that there was dealer nearby when abroad, and you'd know its name, but you'd probably have to use a smart phone to find the address and then put that in your satnav to find it exactly.
    Maybe the raw GPI file is more accurate when used directly on a Garmin.
  17. Thanks guys....excellent :D
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