So there I go minding my own business when I see this Gold colour Ferrari 458 bumbling along. Driver was a middle eastern middle aged male so no surprise there. He looked a bit like those skinny blokes from 300 with all that gold and darker complexion Driving of his was all good but then I had a look at licence plate. As expected a private plate. Now I guess they were his initials. I did pull up to him, say nice car and explain what his licence plate stands for (seeing he is not native English speaker and all). First thing he does afterwards is start swearing at me, shouting calling me names. His plate was BJ for those that do not know look it up.
The American/Armenian oligarch. Bodean Jerkov? If I come back as an American, I want to be called Bodean. Dunno why...
Erm me I like 458 in Red saying that would never buy (even if I could afford it) the new Ferrari La Ferrari. The name of the car right out of the factory shows an attitude problem ......