Had this last year and removed the cap, cleaned the seal and it was all OK. It started again recently and I don't seem able to stop it this time. I've ordered a billet cap to see if that makes a difference but has anyone else found a permanent fix to this as i know others have had the same issue. I notice the seal has two slight indents around the lip and i suspect this may be the problem but they appear to be made that way and its not a fault in manufacture.
I'm guna look into this and post my solution once I've worked out what causing the leak. Mine has just started weeping, DMC said they will replace it under warranty but I'm guessing it will happen again after a while.
Its a strange one because the Brembo reservoir and cap are not Ducati-only parts but i haven't heard this anywhere else. JCmental, look at the rubber boot inside and it has two small indents at 90 degrees to the cap bolts. I wonder if this is what causes the issue but i have no idea why the boot is made like this.
it has to allow air in to the top side of the rubber diaphram, otherwise a vacuum is created. Check your reservoir is not too full, or the diaphram inserted incorrectly (otherwise you might get pregnant ).
....or that the black plastic piece that inserts into the top of rubber 'bellows' is not missing (or is it just the rear brake and clutch reservoirs that have those? - can't remember now!)
Noticed on a recent ride that my front brake reservoir had a bead of fluid round the bottom of the cap. I thought it might have been water from a recent wash working its way out so I wiped it off and carried on. However, later in the ride it reappeared and a taste test revealed it wasn't water. Sounds like I've got this problem now. So did the billet cap solution work?
No. I changed to Rizoma too and it still does it. I'm going to request a new rubber diaphragm when its serviced in a couple of weeks time.
Just been in the garage to check my bike in response to Jimbo's DES query and noticed that the lower edge of my front brake reservoir cap is devoid of most of its paint, showing the sort of corrosion you see on a 1970's bike that has been behind a shed for 20 years! No obvious fluid leak detected, but I have had this bike over 4 years, it doesn't get ridden in salty winter conditions, but does get washed with Muc-Off - never seen this before, so a little puzzled as to why this suddenly appeared? I did have a massive "stoppie" type braking incident last ride out, but can't see why that should have caused fluid leakage from the reservoir (unless I really overheated it?). Can you get plastic replacements for these caps?
I had the same problem, took the bike back to DG and they put a thin film of grease on the seal. Did the trick, but shouldn't have to be the case!
Took my bike back to DG and put a thin film of grease on the seal. Done the trick but that shouldn't be the case!
Yes so's mine (2012 Mutley 1200S Touring). Did they replace the metal ones with plastic or visa versa?