Hi guys. Thought I'd make a proper thread for this one. S, after a 9 months that seemed like an eternity, my wife gave birth to a beautiful baby girl last weekend. She weighed in at 7lb 8oz and looks just like me (poor sod. Let's hope she grows out of these looks). Totally underestimated how difficult it would be, but wouldn't change it for the world.
Ha ha. Russell with no bike is an in happy boy, as my wife would put it. No bikes for sale...... Yet ;-)
Nice one. Kids are a big turning point and your life will never be the same again, you'll never have a relaxing nights sleep again, they'll bleed you dry and drive you up the wall but they'll also melt your heart and make you proud and you wouldn't have it any other way. All the best matey!
Congratulations to you & your better half, she's a beautiful little thing brings back happy memories my youngest is 11 going on 19 now :Arghh:
You'll have worse to come don't you worry Thats a very beautiful little girl you have there. Congratulations!
You must be knackered mate!!! better go for a little sleep!. Congratulations to you both. Give it a few years and you could have her knocking up for you. Lets hope she grows up looking like her mum NOT you!!!!