Arai sun visor kit - Anyone got one?

Discussion in 'Clothing, Gadgets & Equipment' started by Majvs, Feb 8, 2014.

  1. Have you tried your light sensitive pinlock with a light tint visor ? Maybe that combo would work for you.
  2. Looks to me like it would be (even more) noisy.

    I'm an Arai fanboy, I'm on my 3rd in a row and I mostly wear a dark visor and carry a clear if I'm likely to need it but I am being tempted away from Arai by the sheer practicality of the internal flip-up dark visors on other brands - this little peak thingy isn't going to win me over.

    Besides by the time you've ridden with it up for a while at night it'll be full of road kill...
  3. I'm on my 6th Arai. I'm not tempted by gimmicky internal visors. One of my Arai's, an RX7 Corsair took the weight of a vans rear wheels driving over my head. Right after i'd head butted the side of the van. As far as I am concerned its Arai for life for me. Tested and proven. It takes a second to change visors. I dont want the extra bulk the internal visor would bring. As for Schuberth well theyre pug ugly imo and style matters to me as well as function. Once a Mod, always a Mod.
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  4. Haven't tried that yet but that would be my Plan B if I don't take the plunge.
  5. Internal one the way to go imho if you need to rather than change a visor. Although they steM up worse in my experience than the main visor
  6. with your name and yer birds name across it! :biggrin:
  7. bmw riders and germanians will buy it in droves then :)
  8. I have just bought a Davide Giuliano, with this 'gimmick' . I'll let you know how many flies get funnelled into the visor.
  9. Willy, I'd be very interested to hear your views. Ease of use, wind noise etc. Pics would be good if you can manage them. :upyeah:
  10. Coming to this thread a little late, the Arai sun visor thing, is the biggest load of shit every to grace a helmet. Its clearly a cheap and cheerful way to resolve a 'problem' that's only there as some other helmets have an integrated visor.
    Of course that's just my opinion, I could be wrong
  11. At least it's a talking point when you get off a bike. 'What the F*** is that ?" Good for breaking the ice.
    Then I can carry on and say that it's a piece of shit, just like my SP gearbox, tee hee
  12. don't forget the classic bike a crash the head whips violently to one side and pulls the nerves feeding your arm out of the spine leaving your arm useless,so basically the lighter your helmet the less effect of this whip injury.
  13. Don't think a visor is going to do that. I'll lighten it by drilling some holes in it. I'll do my brake lever whilst I'm at it.
  14. 12 months on, just a quick nudge to see if anyone has any experience of using this Arai dark flip down visor.
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  15. I bought one cheap 6 months ago to give it a go & I actually quite like it, really useful when you're out & saves stopping to change visors & having to carry different visors.
    Had no noise issues either.
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  16. Hmm, a quick look has seen them down to £45 on e bay. Worth a punt at that price I think.
    They are advertised for the SIA type visors and I'm pretty sure that's the type I have on my RX7-GP as they look the same. However I can't confirm for sure. Anyone know anything about Arai visor types?
  17. They are free with some Arai lids at I went for a shoei though as with the visor in the up position, surely the wind will try to snatch your head off at anything over 40mph?
  18. There's a gap between the 2 which allows the air to flow through. I've ridden "fast" with it up with no hassle. I know it's not everybody's cup of tea, but for me it works ok!
  19. Ordered one off Fleabay for £38 delivered so not much lost if it's no good.
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  20. Look forward to hearing your views on it.
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