THATS MINT !!!!!!!!!!!!!! V hard to come by. I reckon, its probably the best all round fireblade ever, look at the specs. Last blade by Tadao Baba, guy was a legend !! Wear well Matt, that front is very light so be careful
Big fan of the 954, and I love it in Yellow... Errr... what did you do to your 1098? did it decide you weren't staying on board any more?
Cant get rid of me that easily Dont mind the yellow to be honest. May work in my favour as I plan on commuting into London on it
Well there's a Poole ride out sort of planned for next week I think. Will certainly be good to meet up
Planning to go to Poole (I would have gone next week) but the rsv needs a bit of tlc after the TT. Sprung an oil leak on the lh side, tyres are knackered now, rocker cover heads need changing as they're venting oil as well (there's apparently an upgraded part.... Which I'm still waiting for...) plus it's booked in on the dyno next week... And I'm not changing the tyres til that's done as he'll definitely put a flat spot in a new set as it has to be on there for two days.... It did perform admirably though.... After the first run over the mountain the engine felt nice and smooth, as it hasn't had its legs stretched since last year...