
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by nuttynick, Jul 16, 2012.

  1. Nooooooooo you can't eat him 
  2. Why not, nice hot cuppa and a couple of Penguins or choccie digestives, what could be better?:wink:
    • Like Like x 1
  3. Lol I don't eat chocolate so didn't think of choccy penguins

    Coffee and malted milk mmmmmm
  4. I was teasing Soz.
  5. Hi Nick

    i had problems with the forum crashing when i used internet explorer, Change to Google Chrome browser and no problems since!
    I think Rob the forum owner suggested it!
  6. Opera seems to work well, it is constantly saving as you type.
  7. I use safari on my Mac .. This forum autosaves well on that , another one boots me out every few mins and no autosaves I'm happy with this set up:)

    I also now use tapatalk it's fab!!!
  8. Oooh malted milk moo cow biscuits are my downfall followed by custard cream:)
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