movie review thread

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by paulfastbikes, Nov 9, 2012.

  1. Tom Hanks wasn't in Ghostbusters
    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. Although porn star Ron Jeremy is :Angelic:
  3. This is sounding like another good reason not to bother to see it.
  4. Bill Murray is enough reason to watch it.
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  5. Like a said, I am interested in whether the scriptwriter has done a good job, which includes creating characters, dialogue, plot, scenarios ... Oddly enough a film with cardboard characters, wooden dialogue, and plot-holes can be just as much fun as the other kind. I love works of fiction, myths, legends, and fairy stories - but in my view confusing them with actuality is a bad thing. As for crying over a fictional movie, well that's just sentimentality.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. StayPuftMarshmallowMan.png

    counterbalanced by the above as a character in Ghostbusters- enough reason to stay away, much as one likes Bill Murray - Caddyshack anyone?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. Well no. It's suspension of disbelief, empathy, auto-projection and identification.
    Though I am soppier now than I was 15 years ago. I wonder why that is.
  8. Watched the new last vegas last night - very funny film - worth a look

    also just seen grudge match another good one if a bit slow
  9. All who diss GB should be banned. Fact. The End.
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  10. @Matt: If you like movies which require you to empathise with the characters I can recommend "Dancer in the Dark" by Lars Von Trier and starring Bjork and Catherine Deneuve. A beautiful but troubling story. I'd watch it again and again except that I don't need to: it's still fresh in my mind as though I saw it yesterday.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  11. Lars von Trier. Top movies but not exactly feel good stuff.
    To be looked at only when you're already feeling pretty good.
  12. Bit like United 93. Only watch that after watching something like Toy Story. Then when you've finished U93 pop on Raiders of the Lost Ark. Its the only way
  13. if you want to watch a great film then I present.....
    • Agree Agree x 4
  14. or
    • Agree Agree x 3
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  15. They've just released a hi def remastered version of Zulu on Blu Ray. I think its like £8 in Sainsbury....very tempting
  16. I have it much to my wife's eternal joy.
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  17. Me too, being an Ex RE myself, it has always been a favourite of mine, my wife hates it too (her loss) :Banghead:
  18. watched it on bbc one Christmas and then was on rte ( south Ireland tv ) the next day and mrs couldn't believe I watched it again.
  19. 'I say, who said you could borrow my men?'
  20. Mention of Zulu. Its an anniversary and they have re-released. Two peolpe discussing it on the radio.

    English guy 'got to be proud, stiff upper lip in the face of massive odds and adversity, facing one of the fiercest and best organised fighting armies around, to hold your ground'

    Zulu descendent 'got to be proud, fighting one of the best resourced and trained armies around, with just spears and shields and knowing its likely you wont survive, yet for the greater good, attack and attack again to drive out the invaders'

    Paraphrasing but you get the gist...
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