Funky Rimpler

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by ariel, Jun 10, 2014.

  1. What's become of Funky
    Has he given us the slip
    And ridden off on his 916
    On some outlandish trip
    Our forum is not quite the same
    The postings have become too tame
    Where are you Funky, let us know
    Because we miss your postings so.
    #1 ariel, Jun 10, 2014
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2014
  2. Maybe he bought a... Aprilia... No way...
  3. I think so. Troy is in contact with him.
    I've tried to be and failed.
  4. Never noticed. I have him on ignore.
    • Like Like x 1
  5. Thanks Glidd.I hadn't quite finished my posting when you replied. My apologies to the great Robert Browning!
  6. I could relate to that at times but also capable of brilliance when he wasn't being an @r$€
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. He just got abusive and his BBC stance was pure hypocrisy. After being called a c##t a few times, i figured i would be better off ignoring him. He cant debate without resorting to personal abuse.

    Besides as a TV license holder, his BBC stuff was pure theft. Why should I subsidise his stealing.

    Shame as I agree he could be quite amusing at times but he could not debate or give rational argument without eventually just calling someone a prick or a c##t. Theres no need for personal abuse unless its witty and clever. He was neither.
    #7 bootsam, Jun 10, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 10, 2014
  8. WOW... I must have missed this BBC thread... I tend to notice that any vagely political thread just seems to have a 1 'page' rule when it seems to stay civil, then gets really nasty generally so I ignore all of them if I can.
  9. maybe i am wrong and ultimately non of my business but was he unwell. i enjoyed his posts
  10. I got on okay with him, and I'm sure he's around and wish him well. Is my job easier at the moment? maybe ;)

    Oh can I just make sure that this doesn't turn into a witch hunt thread. We've had those before and they were never nice.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. Burn him
    He weighs the same as a duck
    • Funny Funny x 1
  12. He turned me into a newt....

    ...I got better
  13. Got a link to the BBC thread?;)
  14. It won't be a witch hunt until page 2... tht's when it always gets nasty... ;-)

    Seriously though... hope he is okay, not good to loose people who contribute (apart from the 'C' word... )
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. I did notice what looked like a wart.
  16. I thought he was in prison for non-payment of licence fee.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  17. I like witches :)
  18. tumblr_l9bwugXwzH1qa0uujo1_500.png
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  19. I find it quite entertaining when some people resort to foul personal abuse - it's just their elliptical way of admitting they have lost the argument. If it reached the extent of plausible threats of violence, that would be going a little too far.
    • Agree Agree x 1
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