Eric Pickles Is The Answer ...

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Pete1950, Jun 10, 2014.

  1. Pickles.jpg

    ... but only if the question was, "How do you prevent Teresa May and Michael Gove from scratching each others' eyes out?"
    • Funny Funny x 3
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  2. As if any of those two have the makings of a PM..................

    ..............or at least I f*****g hope not..........
  3. the bloke on the right is Elvis Costello, dressed up for a job interview......

    Pickles is looking a bit pensive - is he actually sat on Cameron? and thinking, 'how do i get out of this one'?, or more likely 'how do i get this one out?'
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. By Jove I think you've got it!
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. Marginally more credible than Red Ed ...................
  6. I'd choose Teresa May from those three for the next leader, probably end up with George Osbourne
  7. Actually Pickles has eaten Cameron, hence the indigestion expression.
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  8. I think Teresa May could win an election but I am not sure about George Osbourne. Red Ed doesn't stand a cat in hells chance.
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  9. I think that "three chins" is pondering who's guffed..........
  10. I could imagine TM was a bit of a looker a few decades back. Is there anything in the fact her initials are the same as Margaret Thatcher, just the other way round.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. spooky,
  12. Beat me too it.
  13. Eric Pickles had a deprived childhood

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  14. Bloke at work is the spitting image of Gove. He really doesn't like to be reminded of it :)
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  15. But I hope that you do ;)
  16. often :)
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  17. You'd be wrong :D


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  18. Effing ridiculous dress sense........

    .....and when she speaks or tries to smile, she scowls.......

    .....if that's the best the UK can offer as an MP............

    .......God (or Allah) help us......
  19. just realised I had a fat fingers moment and hit 'dislike'. Now corrected. Very funny :D
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