It's Started

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by ronin, Jun 12, 2014.

  1. Yes and i have spotted a lot more bunting and flags give me your address i will send you some for your house :Mooning:
    • Like Like x 1
  2. aw shit not again.
  3. What has? :Nailbiting:
  4. Are Scotland out yet?
  5. where we ever really in?
  6. No i think they vote next month.
  7. September
  8. My favourites are Bryan the Giggs and David Beckhams. They are just so dishy...
  9. Hokey Cokey world champions?
    • Like Like x 1
  10. Don't worry once its all finished in a month of so, they'll start all the qualifier matches up again :Arghh:
  11. Ronin
    You a wake it's on soon :D
  12. Yep, splashed the cash in Iceland and have my free copy of the sun that got delivered yesterday!
    My wager is nobby stiles to score first.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. Still virtually nothing here, I think I've counted four cars with wanker flags so far...
  14. I must also be the only thirty something male in the uk with the entire World Cup off work who has no intention of watching any of it.
  15. Nope, me too.
    • Like Like x 1
  16. Thats a joke.

    Overrated and overpaid tossers.
  17. Oh dear still they can hold their heads up high it was after all a game of 2 halfs that very much depended on which England team turned up the over paid unenthusiastic or the stroppy surly one, but as we know Uruguay are a class side with world class players and have the greatest player to ever pull on a shirt playing for them until the next great thing but seriously though England dominated for the majority of the game well apart from the goal scoring bit and Uruguay were lucky well lucky not to score more well sadly this came down to Hodgsons selection if he had played the classic 4 4 2 selection of the 1966 World Cup squad we won the cup that year did you know rather than this squad of children most of whom weren't even born in 1966 we won the World Cup that year don't you know then we would have definitely won the World Cup however sadly hodgson didn't have that vision you know seriously where were your class players that weren't on the pitch you know like good old reliable Stevie Gerard and that awesome hair transplant Rooney you know if hodgson had some vision he would of had them playing etc etc etc
  18. If only, now well have everyone routing for Italy and then blaming/thanking them for the next outcome.
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