Uk Plc Closed For Business 7 July

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by TT600, Jun 13, 2014.

  1. Looking at Le tour start in Yorkshire made me realise - is UK plc braced for a huge 'duvet day' on monday 7th july?

    It would appear to be a bonkers sporting weekend- whats on;

    Le Tour - grand depart- stage one and two
    Wimbledon finals
    some world cup kick leather bladder around qtr finals
    British Grand Prix F1
    Henley regatta

    oh - and .......McBusted at Hyde park

    if the weather is bright and sunny, could be a lot of BBQs and Fosters drunk...
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  2. not for me bike goes for service on the Friday so will be skint come Monday
  3. I'm off to Germany later that week for the Moto GP so I won't be going too loopy on the weekend. I'm sure there will be a few ciders imbibed though...
  4. In bleedin Surrey office that mon-tue, so no fun for me.
  5. Waddington Air Show on the 5th and 6th
  6. I have a day booked off on the Monday. I plan on having a hangover :)
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  7. I`m rota days off on the Monday and Tuesday. I think there`s a trackday at Cadwell so I might indulge myself there.
    I`m 2-10 on the Fri, Sat and Sun so I hope there`s one of those football matches on then. Maybe 7:30-8:00 would be nice, we should all get a team flyer. For an early finish, I`d be a fan, how`s this sound? "kick it, kick it in the goal, in their goal, not our goal, kick it in the goal!"
  8. Roads will be quiet :upyeah:
  9. I'm self employed so may tell my boss to go f#ck himself
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  10. Let me do it for you...........................Go fuck yourself :)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  11. Why thank you old man
  12. You're welcome ;)
  13. I will be day 2 of the Raid Pyrenees on my push bike. Have to get over Toumalet after breakfast and then a few other mountains before Tea. Don't think I'm going to be in any fit state to stay up late and drink lots - have to do it all again the day after....and the day after.....and the day after.
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