Top lid thanks anth

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by duke1276, Jul 17, 2012.

  1. Big hooooge shout out to xxanthxx awesome lid mate , oh and cheers for leaving me in a layby while you headed in the completely wrong direction !!!! Never ever plan an expedition lol ...... Massive hooooge hug and a snog from pixie

  2. :upyeah:

    If I'd known I was actually in the picture, not just the helmet.......I'd have brushed me hair with a brush this mornin n not a hand grenade :eek:

    I've just posted my scenic adventure in the what have you done today bit.

    #2 XxAnthxX, Jul 17, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2012
  3. Nice helmet 
  4. Never mind your hair 
  5. Can you see through my shorts?
  6. Your hands in the way 
  7. You two get a room....:tongue::biggrin:
  8. What's wrong with alfresco? :wink:
  9. I like a picnic 
  10. And I thought I was just being tight!
  11. Lol nothing wrong with saving pennies

    But it would be a posh picnic 
  12. Dragged up on a council estate....I don't do posh.

    But I've worked hard n I play hard and enjoy the nice things I have.
  13. I'm from no privilege background

    What I have is mine 

    I would have to have deck chairs instead of the floor 
  14. I was and consequentially a spoilt brat, I now live in Barnsley .......what goes around eh lol

  15. Thats an attitude I have nothing but respect for. :upyeah:
  16. Apparently this is what I'm gonna see .... A lot of
    well if you don't pass , your gonna be posing a lot more by that bike....
    but so excited was emm with her new lid she shat herself
    love ya chick xxxx
    • Like Like x 1

  17. Awww she looks good in it
    Yes Emm pass your test woman!!!!

    This forum shows what nice people there are in the world 
  18. i saw ur pic anth and assumed i was still on the pot bellied pig thread..nice helmet. cracking lid too.
    • Like Like x 1
  19. Thanks....I resemble that remark! PMSL :wink:
    #19 XxAnthxX, Jul 17, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2012
  20. May I suggest:

    Half a bottle of champagne as aperitif
    Half a bottle of Sauternes with the foie gras and baguette (from a good bakery not a supermarket)
    Crayfish or prawns with rocket salad and a half bottle of white burgundy or possibly an Entre-Deux-Mers if you're slumming it.
    Then you'll be needing some cold pheasant or something similar with half a bottle of burgundy.
    Peaches and cream
    Round off with a thermos of real coffee and possibly a snifter of malt whisky as a pousse-café.

    Then go for a lie down.

    This picnic works better if you don't have to drive anywhere. Get dropped off at the picnic spot by a taxi and buzz it when you want to go home.
    Picnic should be served from real hamper and it is so much classier if you have real plates and glasses instead of melamine and plastic.

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