Me (mattmccabebrown) going on holiday

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by mattmccabebrown, Sep 5, 2013.

  1. Have a Good one Matt and remember, you can't take it with you :upyeah: [​IMG]
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  2. And we can have a parallel -non merged-thread frenzy.
    Hang on ill post this in classifieds as well-thread for sale or hire!,
  3. I'll be keeping an eye on you :mad:
  4. Yeah and I will be ironing, polishing and cleaning you if you misbehave
    Got my eye on you
  5. Naughty!
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  6. Oh oh, I'm in trouble.....

    View attachment 19452
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  7. Request sent, and don't worry you'll be posting shite like the rest of us soon! Enjoy the holiday ;-)
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  8. Has he gone yet..?
  9. Okay I'm pretty much back now, any issues feel free to contact me in the usual way, ie smoke signals, morse code or a good old fashioned email :smile:
  10. Welcome back Matt
    Did you have a nice holiday
  11. Have you noticed what a good job me and Ducbird did keeping things on an even keel? :smile:
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  12. Moved to the arse-polishing section...
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  13. Well its still here, so thats a start I guess :tongue:
  14. I did the important stuff obviously and Ducbird did the hoovering and made me cups of tea and bacon sandwiches. :upyeah:
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  15. EFA

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  16. Just a heads up really, I'm going to pretty much away from a PC until Wednesday, so if you email me and don't receive a response, don't worry. If you have any urgent enquires, I'm sure @Rob will be able to help in my absence.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  17. Want me to step in for you? :)
  18. I'm sharpening my ban hammer

  19. Strictly come dancing?
  20. Does it? :)
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