I'm sure this comes up every summer. I seen several T shirts on bikes on Sunday. Yep, Nice and sunny and tempting to pretend your heading along the Californian coast but I tend to cringe at the possible damage. The bikes were no scooters, they were triumph tiger type and full on sports bikes. I know that's not really the point. I don't get it but its their skin and bones.
Nothing wrong with wearing a T shirt when on your bike. Provided it is inside a good leather jacket with armour.
Saw a guy on a BMW today, full leather and a schuberth. Pillion was a 14yo ish boy with matching schuberth, T-shirt and adidas sambas....?
I was in France last week. Lots of big bikes in the city centre, stopping at lights and popping a wheelie when the lights turned green. Riders and pillions in t shirts and shorts. I usually enjoy a good wheelie, but I was cringing.
I've ridden from one side of Germany to the other in a T-shirt, and I didn't die. Amazing. I've also ridden through the south of France with no helmet, although the bugs got to me in the end. Yes, there is always the chance I'll die in a horrific accident, but then I could walk under a bus or choke on a pea... Ok, that was a good few years ago, and generally now I'm a bit more sensible, but it doesn't necessarily follow that you are certain to die unless you dress like a riot patrol officer. There will be people here who claim to always dress in full leather for every single ride no matter how short, or how hot the weather is. Frankly, I don't believe them. If you go by the forums you could happily assume that every single rider wears full leathers every time they're out on the bike, but last week in London I saw countless Ducatis being ridden by men in shirts and trainers with no gloves, so some people are definitely lying. There's a massive array of protective kit available now with full armour, bombproof boots, gloves with knuckle and scaphoid protectors, airbags, the works. But it wasn't always the case, and not everyone can afford it. Even if you can afford shit hot leathers, do they fit properly? Are they really as good as the makers claim? Personally I'd rather invest in riding lessons and learn to ride confidently and safely. And I'm desperate to own a pair of these...
No gloves is seriously stupid. It's virtually impossible to fall off a bike without your hands hitting the ground. BTW, I don't know if anyone has commented on the recent announcement in a quadrupling of maximum fines, but how can it make sense to be able to fine someone £2000 simply for not wearing a helmet?
"No gloves is seriously stupid. It's virtually impossible for me to fall off a bike without my hands hitting the ground. Recidivist, 46 minutes ago Report #8 − Quote Reply" there fixed that for you. ive only landed on hands once,was gloved and it snapped at the wrist.rest of time ive landed on back through a windscreen and sideways/upside down etc through various shruberry. obviously im not related to a cat and so try to keep my hands to myself whilst flying...
No amount of leather and armour is going to stop stuff getting broken . It's more about abrasion burns and loss of soft tissue . They can't plaster up a break or fracture if the skin is damaged where the plaster needs to go. So it's bars and bolts or traction. = more £££ Ps. I usually do my summer riding in my speedo's or for a little more visibility my new day glow mankini
I assume you mean that leather and armour reduce the amount of times things break, rather than being able to rule it out completely.
In some ways I would rather have a break than an effing great graze in which skin and flesh has been removed, being replaced with tarmac grit.
People have been making their own rash ( see what i did there?) choices for for Millennia...... what the ideal clothing is with inevitable consequences...... and i guess people will continue to exercise such choices, irrespective of my views - i know what i do though- i choose for myself.
Here's some motorbicyclists touring Europe in entirely inappropriate attire...the utter bastards Strangely, despite covering many thousands of miles, none of them died either...