I watched with beer in hand expecting a bad result sadly..... At least (assuming Italy win both remaining games) all we have to do is beat the team that beat the team we lost to tonight! Easy job....
Oh dear the inevitable comments to follow, still they can hold their heads up high it was after all a game of 2 halfs that very much depended on which England team turned up the over paid unenthusiastic or the stroppy surly one, but as we know Uruguay are a class side with world class players and have the greatest player to ever pull on a shirt playing for them until the next great thing but seriously though England dominated for the majority of the game well apart from the goal scoring bit and Uruguay were lucky well lucky not to score more well sadly this came down to Hodgsons selection if he had played the classic 4 4 2 selection of the 1966 World Cup squad we won the cup that year did you know rather than this squad of children most of whom weren't even born in 1966 we won the World Cup that year don't you know then we would have definitely won the World Cup however sadly hodgson didn't have that vision you know seriously where were your class players that weren't on the pitch you know like good old reliable Stevie Gerard and that awesome hair transplant Rooney you know if hodgson had some vision he would of had them playing etc etc etc
So we can still go through playing this shit? Makes a mockery of the game... There's hope for Ducati in GP then, they can win by losing!
The only decent passes we completed were from our striker, sturridge, to their keeper. Total and utter tripe yet again. In context, if I fullfilled my role at work as poorly as they do theirs, I doubt I would last the week. Another 90mins of torture endured. The sooner they are back home in their Cheshire mansions the better. Thats the only positive I can think of.
My take on it is thus - Didnt expect to get out of the group stages as clearly a really difficult group Thought we played well against Italy - attacked and pressured them on the ball - left back was our achilles heel but I wasnt ashamed and I thought we did well Last night was more mixed First half I thought we showed spirit and had good spells - Rooney was unlucky when hit the inside corner - was even and tbh both teams had lapses and good spells Second half we started in total disarray and it was lucky we didnt get punished The Suarez goal was harsh on us and just a testament to an opportunistic run that he does a lot and on this occasion worked - he finished very well though and showed he has class After that we were a bit panicked tbh and didnt play balls into space. We were hussled off the ball and didnt really close them down as well as the first game We didnt play as well in the second game but I again thought they wanted to win and played as well as they could. I dont think we will go through but we will see - I still thought we didnt shame ourselves though. I know one thing and that is the pressure must be immense - I know they are well paid etc etc but nontheless its a lot to have to handle - I was glad Rooney managed to tap one in - he has had so much criticism - as has Suarez
To be honest I think they will still get through as Italy should beat both Costa Rica and Uruguay and in theory we should beat Costa Rica too. Then again Spain should have been good enough to beat holland and chile...