the 'Anyone going to Boxhill today?' thread

Discussion in 'Rideouts & Events' started by Chris, Jun 30, 2013.

  1. Few of the regulars here still
  2. No can do now, have to pick my eldest up from Cheam.:Banghead:
  3. think i may be over at the weekend

    working saturday so unless some one will be there at 6am it will be sunday at some point
  4. Chichester College Bike Show on Sunday........... will be there first
  5. Just googled it

    Bit far for me to go
  6. I'll swing by Rykas about 3pm after P&H if anyone's about?
  7. I'm planning on a ride this afternoon, will be at Box circa 4:00pm. Might catch you later S.
  8. I'll be here :)
  9. See you both then with luck ^
  10. Looks like the Saturday forecast is correct so far : )


    who is out and about today? I have some urgent plumbing to do but could postpone now water turned off.
  11. that's one hell of a leak Chris!

    Doing family stuff this weekend - the wife is away, so the boys are playing :)
  12. are you counting down the days to when they can ride motorbikes Jerry? : ) My leak is only about a drip a minute but discovered that it's probably been doing it for 6 months. The cause? corroded copper no less, caused by hessian type lagging - sweating and trapping acid over probably 40 years..
  13. I'm busy this morning with kids. Should be at Box for about 15:00
  14. Doing P&H very soon & then a probably rideout down leafy lanes East to forest Row cafe mostly likely.
  15. Might be there about 4 then if there's a few of you going.
  16. What time you going to be at cafe
    I have a couple of jobs to do round my mums then I'm out for lunch somewhere
    Location of cafe???
  17. Hi Chris
    It could be zinc plated if it's that old ??
  18. nah, it's copper right through as sawn through one now, and half way through the other end in situ first one just holding blade, second with a pad saw after half hour searching for it : ) - it's killing me
  19. Will be at Riverview cafe, Forset Row for 11.
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