Italian Car & Bike Day 22nd June Bedford

Discussion in 'Rideouts & Events' started by Betty Boop, Jun 8, 2014.

  1. The Sharnbrook Italian Car and Bike day is in 2 weeks time, there are a couple of us heading down from the Melton Mowbray area. This thread is a heads up as it is accessable from all sides and is easily found on the A6 near Bedford. Entry is free and between 11 and 5. a BBQ etc is available.

    I would guess we need to leave MM at 09.30 - Petrol station on the corner of leicester and Market Harborough road to get to Mac D on A6 in Market H and leave there at 10ish for the ride over.
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  2. Sounds good, could meet in Melton .... If weather ok :upyeah:
  3. Count me in... :upyeah:
  4. +1 or more than likely 2
    see you at MM.
  5. Its a date cos no one wants to play round here
  6. Anyone riding up from London?
  7. The weather is looking good for sunday, as I suggested before meet at the Esso station on the corner of A607 and B6047 in Melton Mowbray to leave there at 9.30, riding down the B6047 to Maccy D on the A6 roundabout and leave there 10.15 to head to the Sharnbrook.

    Petrol is available at the Maccy D services too.

    AlfaBlack (and anybody else who commits to coming ) please say which venue you will join us at? so we dont leave without you etc

    Many thanks
  8. Is it worth going ? how many vehicles turn up at Sharnbrook ?
  9. Always a good turn out of bikes and cars, some really nice Ferrari, Lamborghini etc. usually there.
  10. yes went a few years back and loads of eye candy
  11. To update, the petrol station/meeting point in M. Mowbray is now a BP station, in case anyone was confused.

    I'll be there between 9:00 - 9:15, ready to leave at 9:30 to ride down to Mkt Harboro McDonalds for around 10:00. :upyeah:
  12. Just checked the weather and it looks like it will be a very sunny day.
  13. I'll be there around 9 ish, riding an 07 1098s how many of us are meeting there?.
  14. Jesus,
    Are you going, as i am thinking of going.
  15. There are 5 of us meeting at Melton so far and then Niven is coming to Mac D's.

    You coming along then Mooneybravo? where are you joining?
  16. I will join you at Melton 9ish.
  17. I am going to try to make it there :) - from Peterborough. Most probably won't remember me from the Ducatisti days!
  18. Is the McD easy to find in Market H ?
  19. It's not in the town but on the A6 (Leicester Road) roundabout where it meets the B6047, really easy to find.
  20. Anyone going from Essex, jnc 29 M25 area etc. its go there if i can or a family bbq which will be fun :Bored:
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