So, considering values of a 749R from a post in the for sale a question came to mind. Why do 749R's seem to be worth more than 748R's when 996R's and 998R's are circa 50% more than 999R's? Any views out there?
Sort of goes against the argument that the 749 / 999 is the unwanted youngest child I guess compared to the 916 derivatives...
From howmanyleft: 998r - 53 left 996r - 51 left 999r - 144 left 999r xerox - 21 left 748r - 101 left 749r - 101 left Supply and demand probably accounts the the 996/998 being more expensive than the 999. Also, the 916 series was a bedroom wall poster icon and people just WANT it. I don't think this always translated to the smaller cc model. For example I would love a 998r just to park in the garage and drool over. It is part of many peoples dream garage hence demand is very high. The 749r was different. Carbon fairings (to start with in 2004 at least), ohlins and a consistent spec vs the 748r which seems to vary by year. My technic knowledge is limited but the 749r was very close to a production race bike which in my understanding most Rs were not. I don't think the 999r can claim the "race bike on the street" title, as awesome a bike as it is, because I understand they were some way removed from those bikes actually raced? That's why I bought a 749r. I liked the focus, even though I never probably used 80% of what it can do. There are plenty on here who should chip in with the facts...