an article on radio Scotland suggested that there was an increase in sprained ankles due to the ease of access to the mountains since the Nevis range gondola being built. did you not know that would happen. bad man.
I returned home to find my wife has sprained her ankle. Its all a bit too odd to be coincidence. I'm watching you ET.
increase due to stupid people wearing flip flops whilst climbing.... BBC News - Tourist in flip-flops rescued from Aonach Mor mountain however, i do like the concept of blaming ET - Philadelphia, now Gorgonzola- there is something cheesy here
I did the 3 peaks in '04 and honestly could not believe what some people where wearing and what they didnt bring with them.T shirts,no jumpers,wrong footware and no waterproofs,no maps.Needless to say,the mountain rescue guys where having a paddy with some of them.Also,the rubbish people discard is unbelievable.
And not that the article will say, but they are 99.99% Asians. Surely they'll be used to climbing in the Himalayas