Anyone ever changed the Gearing on their Ducati?

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by Goody, Jul 13, 2012.

  1. Im interested to hear if anyone has changed the sprocket sizes front and/or back on their ducati as Iv done it with other bikes and quite frankly I dont know why everyone doesnt do it. for such a small amount of money you can change the way the bike picks up and pulls, its a no-brainer form a performance angle-more bang for your buck. Iv heard of other Jap bike owners doing it but haven`t heard of it being done with a Duc? If you have Id like to hear about what you did eg 1 down, 2 up etc and how it changed the bike. Thanx
  2. Its so common with Ducati's, i think everyone has probably done it to be honest.

    My ST4's is a different beast entirely with 3 up on the rear. Its not nice to ride at all on standard gearing.
  3. Any reason for 3 up on rear and nothing off the front?
    #3 Goody, Jul 13, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2012
  4. Smaller front sprocket can cause premature chain and/or swingarm chain guide wear. :upyeah:

    Got my carby ss with 15/41 gearing, 15/37 standard? Pulls GOOD. :biggrin:
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  5. I've run a 14 tooth front on all my Dukes....never had any makes a good improvement though!!
  6. #6 Denzil the Ducati, Jul 13, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2012
  7. is it due to s/s swing arm?
  8. Not really? Guide is designed to run with a 15t sprocket, a smaller sprocket will be smaller in diameter, meaning the chain will run closer to the guide...
  9. To be honest Goody i put a 14 on the front like i have done with all of my Ducati's, well the modern ones anyway.

    I sold the bike and the guy i sold it to put the 15 back and went up 3 on the rear. I found this out when i bought the bike back off of him a couple of years later which was spring 2011. Very much the same feel but apparently , for the reason described above by 470four its a better long term idea.
    A more expensive way to do it which is probably why most of us just go down to 14 for about £12.
  10. cool thats interesting to know. my gixxer is 1 down 2 up and is blinding; Iv been reading bout how the 1199 runs through the revs compared to say a 1098-sounds like it has traits of an IL4 compaired to lots of low down torque and less at the top. was thinking it would be an easy fix by changing the cogs. Any 1199 owners on here reading this done anything like it? il be changing my sprockets on mine hence why im asking around for what others have done and what the results have been
    Cheers everyone
  11. Interesting reading, everyone seems to have gone the opposite way to me, 95 monster with 16 front 39 rear but i changed the primary gears to 31/59. it still accelerates too fast and is a dream on long runs, round town just keep in second and use the gas.
  12. 14t up front on the SS1000.
  13. I went 15 / 41 on my 848 :upyeah:
  14. Clever! If the primary gear wasnt such a ballsache to get off it would be another option... which bike were the gears from?
  15. I'll be changing my 749 to 14/43 very shortly, will let you know how it goes.
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  16. I'm sure it'll make it a better ride, but it won't ride like a 1098 or 1198 with the torque down low in the rev band. Will be an interesting comparison though if a 1098/1198 owner cares to meet up and write up?
  17. Gears actually came from a corse 916 about 97, but the same gear is now used in many of the others like the std 996.
    i feel it gives a good high speed cruise gear without the motor reving its tits off, i figure if you want big acceleration change down a gear, does anyone actually use first?
  18. Does altering the gearing on the 848 change the speedo accuracy?

    I've never changed gearing on my bikes before (none were Ducatis) as I don't like the faffing that is then required with the speedo. My brother changed the gearing on his ZX6 but fitted a speedo healer to sort it out. It didn't sound too hard but if I'm going to be buying a £11k bike I don't fancy messing with the electrics too much!
  19. No mate, the speedo is electronic and works from a sensor on the rear (IIRC) wheel. All good...:upyeah:

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