That copper got away with it then...?

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by funkyrimpler, Jul 19, 2012.

  1. Vile scum bag as he has been called recently, PC Simon Harwood has unsurprisingly got away with manslaughter then??? (although some alledge murder)..this is after the police falsified evidence, lied about the background of and attempted a character assassination of the victim, not to mention committing perjury.
    Tomlinson was innocently caught up in the G20 protests and was trying to get home..he actually had a home and wasnt sleeping in a cardboard box...he was kettled from one group of coppers to another...regrettably walking into Harwood...the big tough guy with a stick and a ton of hard nut mates...
    Im as disgusted as i am unsurprised in the legal system and how scum bags like Harwood walk away and whistle as the so-called police close ranks. In my view they are thuggish revenue collectors who are ignorant of the law and abuse the power afforded to them by us. Time to read up on Common Law and purchase yourself a copy of Blacks legal dictionary....i have.

    I hate the Police.
    I hate them..and feel sorry for them.
    Well some of them..

    Collecting revenue for the government, being hated, hating their jobs and the decent ones-hating themselves..being turned into bitter husks by the world they see and the way they are brain washed and manipulated..the very selection process is designed to weed out free though and promote those that are susceptible to authority and rules.
    There are so many vids (google 'commonly known as Dom') where the Police show their ignorance of the law...most dont know the difference between a Law and an Act...

    Any dealings i have with plod are now filmed on my phone as a matter of course.

    Theres a nice vid on YT where an innocent man gets pulled over and refuses to get out of his car (after all, he hasnt committed any offence)..after trying to 'do him' for one trumped offence after another, the pig..because thats what he ignorant pig..then tries to 'do him' for using a phone whilst behind the wheel because he was being filmed!!! and the best bit???? was the drivers iPod!! an MP3 Player....Copper still tried to look cool..but guess what?? He looked like a stupid, ignorant, dickhead. Your no ones 'mate' Mr. Plod...Do one.

    My thoughts go to Mr. Tomlinsons the murdered victims' family.
    #1 funkyrimpler, Jul 19, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2012
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  2. Yeah I saw this at work and was very surprised. I know law enforcement have a good track record for being let off but this was clear cut surely, and with video evidence. Ridiculous.
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  3. The man was clearly out of control that night and a charge of manslaughter seemed reasonable but murder is stretching it a bit. It would seem that the MET has yet again shown itself to be failing.

    Can't agree with the anti police rant though.
  4. Now they're on about persuing a private prosecution for unlawful killing!! What the fuck is unlawful killing in this case?? The coroner couldn't accurately identify cause of death!? Bollocks. It's a fucking cover up. Makes my piss boil.

  5. "I hate the police"

    After that it all went into drivel.....

    My sister is old bill (oh and she is liked and loved by us) I pity her sometimes tho' because after the junkies,nutters and dickheads she has to deal with everyday, but mainly because of the people like you.
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  6. I can

    Having been at the receiving end a few too many times as a victim of crime and finding that the law protects the guilty more than it protects the innocent the police need to get their act together

    Time for scottish law a verdict of not proven would be far more appropriate, we all know this thug for want of a better word is not innocent
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  7. Is that how your sister refers to the people she has to deal with everyday? Junkies, nutters and dickheads? You forgot the dead pisshead!
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  8. No that's how I describe them after the stories she sometimes tells me. Maybe I should be put in the same little "box" as her eh? :rolleyes:

    Or maybe some should stop talking bollox??

    Just a thought......
  9. Maybe you should, just a thought.
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  10. Massive crunt
  11. Nice reply and well constructed

    Many thanks
  12. I just cannot accept he "got caught up in it on his way home" If I'd have seen that mêlée after coming round the corner I'd have stopped in my tracks long before I got close enough to be involved in any way. I just don't buy it, sorry.
    #12 philoldsmobile, Jul 19, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2012
  13. I thought so, thanks not necessary nor wanted :biggrin:
  14. so the victim who was killed is at fault................
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  15. Such a shame a few brave internet nerding trolls can spoil a great new forum.

    Oh well enjoy yourself little man:upyeah:
  16. I'm still waiting for something constructive regarding the case in hand, not your caring sharing big brother love to your sister, big man.
  17. I never said that at all. I just don't believe his back story one little bit, so why should I believe anything else the press have said about it. We simply do not know the situation leading up to this, so its perfectly possible he was instigating or in some way provoking the police. what I find quite impossible is that he was just walking home and got randomly whacked. no way, I don't buy it.
  18. Tell it to Mr.Tomlinsons family.
  19. I don't know if I subscribe to the 'accidentally caught up theory' personally, but he certainly didn't deserve to die!

    I'm no fan of the offence Squeezey's sister, It's just me n my anti establishment ways I'm affraid, but the majority are C**** tho, even taking into account it's usually the law that is f*ucked up not the policing.
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  20. Just for the record I haven't got a problem with the police per se, there is good and bad in all walks of life. What really pisses me off is injustice at the highest level, this smacks of a cover up at the highest level.

    Proof that Ian Tomlinson was hit with a baton.. - YouTube

    Whichever way you slice it, this is unnecessary and unwarranted. If he was guilty of something, anything, then he should have been arrested and dealt with per legislation.
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