Louis Suarez

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Jun 24, 2014.

  1. Amusing variation of opinions.

    3rd time, he never learns, and clearly thinks he is above the law.
    If someone bit someone in the street, chances are they would be prosecuted and found guilty.

    I think he should go down big time, as lets face it biting today shooting someone tomorrow where does it stop :p
  2. Looks like he's got another job already in case he gets banned ;)

  3. [​IMG]



    • Funny Funny x 4
  4. With an over bite like that I'll bet he can eat an apple through a letter box!
  5. Dog should be muzzled and chained up
  6. problem could be easily rectified by opposing team simply walking off the field and refusing to play against any team with him in it
    • Like Like x 2
  7. I still think its an elaborate ploy to give him a way to leave Liverpool and where he can point the finger at somebody else.

    Think about it, Liverpool stood by him and have him on a pretty tight contract. He'd look a MASSIVE c%£t if he simply came out and asked for a transfer

    Real Madrid offer him £300k pw and suggest that if he can somehow get the English media against him forcing Liverpool in to a corner then it might give him an out. On top of that he gets to publicly come out saying stuff like 'they all hate me' and 'i cant possibly continue to play in England' etc etc (as they all do)

    Real Madrid wont care, no club cares about the world cup and if looked at realistically Uruguay are massive outsiders to win so all they had to do was put it to him to consider career before country.

    I'm telling you now, based on his dads comments much early last week about how his son would welcome to play for Barcelona/Real Madrid 'some day' and the Suarez then stirring the pot after the England game saying how it was good to beat England as the English media hated him and he wanted to prove them wrong..... Its all just massively suspect to me.

    When the type of money at stake is so large in these sort of contract talks it really wouldn't surprise me if this was staged.
  8. [​IMG]
    • Funny Funny x 3
  9. Absolutely PMSL :D
  10. All this nonsense over a wee nibble. He's a 30 goal a season striker. Everyone wants him. Teeth and all. Anyone feeling any sympathy for chiellini should check out his leg breaking tackles. He's a dirty sod and the italians are no strangers to foul play. This is just another media bandwagon to rile you all up and feel righteous indignation. Enjoy the ride suckers. Meanwhile kids are getting battered in their own homes and starving. Bandwagon does fek all about that though but if a footie player takes a nibble then thats the most outrageous thing in the world.
    • Like Like x 1
  11. Give Suarez a knife, I'm sure he'll easily double his 30 goal per season tally. A knife is much more efficient than a set of teeth ... unless you're a tyrannosaur though ... a knife would be fairly useless then. Still. Anyway.


    Wait. Is FIFA responsible for child services now? When did that happen?
  12. You're missing the point! This is all about entertainment, and Suarez biting people is a superbly entertaining story. We aren't interested in discussing child welfare - this is vastly more amusing.
  13. I think you rationalise this far too much. He is ill in the head, that is the end of the story. You don't bite successive people, 3 times in 4 years unless you are a couple of sandwiches short of a picnic. Biting people is already very strange behaviour: an elbow in the gob, or a studding or something - that would be normally violent conduct. But sinking your teeth into people repeatedly shows he has serious "issues".
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. I am not missing any point. I see the news and the press having orgasms over an incident on a football pitch, meanwhile Nigerians are getting blown up and Brookes gets away hacking etc. And you further re-inforce my point that we, as people, are more interested and concerned about a football story than injustice elsewhere.

    Whilst I agree on the amusement of it all, It just the way everything goes into mass overdrive over what is frankly a silly incident by a silly person. Now if he had beheaded the guy and got his old chap out on TV, i could maybe understand the exposure (no pun intended).

    Besides his early background is quite interesting. The way we condemn people for mistakes and just blithely assassinate their characters for their errors, unsettles me. I've made many a royal fuck up. The press destroy people for our entertainment. Its the amphitheatre all over again. We are all just passengers on a media train of hate, gossip, slander and vitriol.

    Of course I am an LFC supporter. I do not condone his actions. I am ashamed of them. As is he no doubt. The guy has issues, but we just mock them because he has money. Because he is rich it is somehow okay to mock a guy with some mental problems. He obviously has some kind of tourette related mental health issues but hey lets just call him a cunt and laugh and point at the freak.
  15. Oscar Wilde said it:

    "The unspeakable in full pursuit of the inedible" ... or somesuch.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  16. There are a few things to be said here:

    1. If you spend your entire life thinking about the miseries in the world, you will end up being a miserable person. There will always be problems and crises and unfortunate or catastrophic incidents. One of the problems with global media is that now you can share people's misfortunes permanently, 24/7. The fact that terrible things happen (largely as a result of greedy or immoral, or stupid people) is no reason not to have fun.

    2. There is clearly a large degree of schadenfreude in this case. Sports people are supposed to be sporting - to some extent, to be role models. That is the reason why there is such constant whinging about footballers - because they fail to live up to those expectations quite frequently. In a game in which cheating is routine, biting people is seen as the thin end of the wedge. Suarez earns an astronomical amount of money and still behaves like an animal. Is sympathy and compassion the first sentiments that come to mind in his regard? Maybe we should feel sorry for him. Maybe we shouldn't.

    3. Suarez is just not a very likeable person. He's bitten people, is a racist and often attempts to gain unfair advantage in games. Why not contrast him with Messi - also from a humble background, but still humble? Messi is the sort of footballer people can look up to.

    4. Is Suarez ashamed of himself? Really? I very much doubt it. If he is, he can start by having treatment for his problems. Instead of which, it's all the fault of the media and the British media in particular.

    5. Suarez is quite astonishingly talented as a footballer. You have to sense a certain amount of disappointment in him. People want their sporting heroes to be heroes, not weird people.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. Cannelloni according to the bbc and sky was left "in agony" after the bite - fuck's sake. Let's hope he makes a full recovery. All thoughts should be with him at this time.
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. At the time, the Italian appeared to have a dislocated shoulder - it seemed to have been dislocated into Suarez's mouth. I hope the guy gets the physio, surgery and counselling he needs in order to resume his life.

    Still, you have sympathise with Suarez ... takes a huge bite and discovers his prey is full of garlic ... with Luis being allergic to garlic, silver and holy water and all ... the Uruguayan could have exploded! I saw that on a documentary.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  19. I cant help it Glidd. As cheery and happy go lucky as I am, I often feel as I am alone in a dark world.

    He is not racist either. Negrito is a common Uruguayan term of affection. But if The Mail type headlines are easier for you to digest, then by all means carry on. (You may wish to take a look at Evras record)

    I take my hero's warts and all. Ali, my most favourite person in the whole world was flawed. Welcome to the USA where sanitised media personalities with perfect teeth and smiles are pervasive. Nope I'll keep on wanting to see everyday people instead.

    Glidd we all have a dark side. There but for the grace of whatever deity you believe in goes I.

    I agree Messi is a different character. But holding up one shining light in a darkened forest is a poor argument. Football cheating is rife and Suarez is no different. I can name countless cheats in football. Look at Thierry Henry. Nice erudite and charming guy, but cheated with that handball. Drogba, built like a tank but can wither at the mildest challenge. Gamesmanship is everywhere and to blame one individual for it all is a tad misguided.
  20. Much of what you are saying is true, Boots. I can agree with a fair bit of it.

    But then - there's the biting. Biting other players, biting other people, not when he is fighting for his life but in professional "game". It takes Suarez out of the argument you are making and transports him into a whole new category.

    Anyone here have kids? Kids that have either bitten someone or been bitten themselves? No need to explain to parents why this issue is so important.
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