Louis Suarez

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Jun 24, 2014.

  1. Well, he may be or he may not be. I don't know him personally. But he was "convicted" of the charge - not by the Mail. He also refused to shake Evra's hand later - odd considering the affection he held him in.
  2. Perhaps Loz, but ive seen enough shit to put things in perspective. Its only a game and Ive seen tackles breaking legs which would worry me more.

    Maybe I am a tad more sympathetic due to my LFC allegiance. I dont condone him, and I do condemn his actions but I wont condemn the man. He needs help not more vilification.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Have you ever considered that Evra's lying might have pissed him off? Evra has a track record for it. The FA is hardly the crown court. Its a corrupt kangaroo court thats just as susceptible to reactionary nonsense as you are. :p
  4. Vilification hasn't worked in this case.
    The man does need help but the sport, the players, the whole football world needs this guy to be banned. Others need to be protected, from young impressionable fans to the players on the field who are playing against him.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. To benefit from help you first have to admit you have a problem. That involves regret, contrition, a desire to change. I see no evidence of that here and in any case, all the Uruguayans are behind him (well, they would be, wouldn't they) and won't admit to there being any problem. You'd have thought that Liverpool have already done what they could after the last incident.

    Balotelli is also very talented, but he's another on-going problem. Tevez was a pain too, if I remember correctly. If Suarez wasn't so good at football, he'd have been buried ages ago. If I was valued at 200 grand a week, I'm not sure that it wouldn't exacerbate any personality disorders I might have.
  6. if i was earning 200k a week, i would deffo over indulge.
  7. Rich people still suffer mental health problems. Wealth is not an insurance policy against suffering.

    Since when did banning things stop anything?

    I agree that first one has to admit to oneself you have issues. But to force a guy to surround himself with an impenetrable wall is not the way forward. The way forward is compassion and I see very little of that.

    The problem with childrens football are the parents more than anything else currently. Placing unrealistic pressures and burdens on young minds is a recipe for disaster. Let kids be kids for fucks sake.
  8. Or better still bootsam, ban him for life than we can move on to the more seriuos issues :)
  9. I think my biggest issues and not related to just Saurez, it is the repeat offending, people in life just consistently repeat offend, mainly because they can get away with it, this is really what makes me angry, (The Saurez incident does not make me angry it is funny) but lets face it how often do you see people up in court (especially Robbery) and then find out they have committed the same crime 80 times before.
  10. Suarez will probably continue to bite people as long as he plays football. He clearly doesn't think rationally when he does it. I suppose if he were suspended for 2 years, that might have some effect, but clearly biting people is now "in his nature".
    Personally, if you don't ban him for a very long time, you are just sending the message that he can carry on doing it for all anyone cares, and if you play against him, being bitten is just one of the risks of your job. I reckon that football is bigger than Suarez, and I think that Liverpool is bigger than Suarez. I'm glad they have signed some of the Southampton players: they should be even better next season with or without Suarez.
  11. Because we are quick to condemn and slow to help. We have the level of crime and criminality we are prepared to suffer in order that we ourselves can prosper at the expense of those less fortunate or those we are able to oppress the easiest.

    Revolt brothers and sisters! Let us all pass this chicken to Tienanmen Square to show our support for our oppressed cheesemaker brethren. Arise!
  12. A very interesting point of view. This implies that none of us are really responsible for our actions and that we are all victims. It's certainly a possible point of view, even a prevailing one over the last decades. The other point of view is that we are all flawed in some way, that few of us have had perfect life experiences, but we are ultimately responsible. It's the old mad vs bad debate. Are psychopaths responsible for their psychopathy?

    If you think we are all victims, then there is no free will; we are just imperfect machines, bags of chemicals and electricity. This may be true, but it makes life even more meaningless than it already is.

    It also raises the question of whether people can really change, whether you can change people's fundamental personalities. I suspect not - at least not in the vast majority of cases. Years of lying on the couch doesn't seem to produce any tangible results (which is why it goes on for years).
  13. Now we've moved onto nature vs nurture. People can change. As for free will and fate, well, thats a difficult philosophical question that should it be solved on here will get Rob and Matt a Nobel. I'm prepared to give everyone a chance. I am also prepared to see them fail and keep trying. Guess I am too soft.
  14. There must be something genuinely wrong inside his head, it's not like it's a one off....
    • Agree Agree x 1

  15. Woah, let's not be hasty, we need more information before taking such drastic action.......

    How good is their cheese?
  16. Bless-ed are the cheese makers.
  17. Show me he's trying.
  18. [​IMG]
    • Funny Funny x 1
  19. Oh cmon gents, do any of you really truly believe that he has mental health issues?

    That's just a way to cover up the fact he's a dirty player and was thick enough to think he'd get away with it (unless planned as per my theory further back in the thread)

    LFC supporters will back him to the death but I'm afraid I have no doubt he'll be off and turn his back on them if given the chance

    It's not a witch hunt, it's merely pointing out money , fame and footballing talent can't buy brain cells

    I'll stick by my original theory, I guarantee before the new season he trys to engineer a move from Liverpool to Spain

    Watch this space :)
  20. a very much win at any cost mentality. all to commonly found in people at the top of the tree.
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