1200 Screens ? Yes I Know I'm Sorry !

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Shovelhandz, Jun 25, 2014.

  1. Loving my new multistrada apart from the noise off the screen, and I'm wearing custom ear plugs.
    I have tried to avoid a thread by searching but can't find the answer I'm looking for.

    I'm looking just to get 'clean' air, i dont want to be hidden behind a great big screen to cook in the hot weather but just something to give a little protection. I'm 6'2" currently using the standard screen that came with the bike can anyone advise my options ? Do ducati do one? I noticed the conquest carbon screens during my search ?, any opinions greatly appreciated.
  2. Are you planning on growing or shrinking? :)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. Short Pikes Peak style screen - clean air but no protection
    I used the touring screen with a Wunderlich deflector for the trip to the Dolomites recently, more protection, limited buffeting, noise acceptable.
    I also tried a Calsci screen, very good but very big (might sell it)
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  4. I got a cheap one on e bay and gradually cut it down using a large dremel till it suited me. I am 5.10 so mine is 1 inch above the top of the carrier frame, the clean air now hits me on my chest and not on my helmet hope this helps
  5. Definitely shrinking ' El Dave ' I shall look more carefully at my punctuation in the future
    Thanks for the posts.
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  6. Try taking it off completely.

    Bit more wind but NO buffeting
  7. I've been having similar searches and a few posts later I had a few to try out from kind local forum members. Might be worth a shot for local lads in your area.
    In the end I opted for one similar to a pikes peak made by givi.
    More wind blast but clean air. No more ringing or buffeting. I'm 6' 5" and tried a few of them and the best was actually the shortest. It let the wind hit me in the chest rather than head and neck.
    I have the GT screen and find it uncomfortable for long journeys due to the buffeting it causes.
    Hope this helps.
  8. Pikes Peak or other shorty screen, as suggested above. Clean air, no noise (well, a lot less). Nothing else comes close.

    To get an idea of how it would be, take the screen off completely. ;-)

    Did this to my MY10 and 13... Only thing I found that truly worked... That and the Eagle screens flaps that originated from @RBlacky of this parish.
  9. Thanks guys. Decided to try a pikes peak screen ,Ducati wanted £195 for their carbon screen plus £4.60 for a couple of stickers. So ordered one from Carbon conquest at a much more reasonable price and good customer service.
    Will let you know how i get on.
  10. I've got one of the extra big eagle screens for sale if anyone wants one
  11. Or you could have cut down the original.
  12. Get the Pikes Peak screen. Perfectly easy to live with, no buffeting any more than I'm used to and fine with anyway. It also looks better which trumps any comfort anyway.

    I find wind noise is all about crash helmet design. I found with my Arai, even a slight inclination of my head reduced the noise a huge amount and I am obviously more upright on the PP or my GS as was. I switched to a Shoei GT-Air and it's a lot quieter. I have ear protection anyway. I'm used to wind (it's the fibre in the water here) and don't really notice buffeting, it helps I'm not some streak of piss that a) gets blown over by a dandelion seed and b) moans about it.
  13. Agree with that Count, the difference between my Caberg and Schuberth lids is night and day for wind noise and pushing my head around when at speed.
    The Caberg left me with sore shoulders on a long ride from being pushed about by the wind, the Schuberth I don't even notice its on (so to speak), that's with no changes to the screen height - I just have the standard one with aztec spacers on it. Noise wise, absolutely no contest at all, Schuberth is whisper quiet
  14. I tried my mates Schuberth S2 recently and I think that helmet alone could cure my noise problems over my Arai GP RX7, but with the comms in they aren't cheap - need to accidentally "drop" mine :)
  15. On the plus side, you smash the Schuberth it will cost you only a third of the price to replace it ;)
    Mobility Program | Schuberth GmbH - and you get to register the new one for a further replacement down the line
  16. Gt-air solved the problem for me
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  17. Great service from carbon conquest screen arrived today.
    Will put it on and report back.
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  18. I'm hoping to get the Givi shorty as well. Discovered a local, well an Aussie shop is getting these in mid July so I'm waiting to be able to source one domestically.
  19. Carbon conquest screen on lowest setting gives me clean air ! Yes !
    Picked up a Schuberth C3 pro too and this lid plus ear plugs is excellent.
  20. Have you got a picture of the carbon conquest screen fitted?
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