If the car had carried on its ordinary track it would have missed the bike and rider. Sadly the car driver swerved to the right trying to avoid the collision, but made it worse. No doubt the usual wrangle about contributory negligence will follow. I would guess that lawyers hanging around Mulholland Drive awaiting clients rarely wait long.
What surprises me is nobody smacks that twathead rnickey mouse hanging around like a vulture waiting for the carnage. Dunno if this one was posted before If you watch the slo mo at about 1:40 onwards it looks like the front goes when he touches the road lines, looks a hazardous place to play Edit - after watching again it appears that the back just starts to slide then the front goes, guy is riding like a total twat too
The car was still driving too, rather than just stopping. Probably had an appointment with a cheeseburger. Had the car been stationary (and there was ample time for the car to stop at that speed) damage to either vehicle would likely gave been negligible. There is a small degree of blame on the car driver for failing to react to a developing situation, and causing or contributing to a preventable collision. As it's America all the car driver needs to do now is pee their pants, and claim they can't see a bike without a flashback and they will get $100,000 from the biker for 'ruining' their life......
The bike crosses double lines by skidding on it's side, after being ridden like a cock and the car driver is partly to blame? In the time that the crash was going on, the driver did well to see what was going on and to react, by getting off the road. I think the rider should sign you up as his brief!