That copper got away with it then...?

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by funkyrimpler, Jul 19, 2012.

  1. We can agree on something then.
  2. phil,
    look at the CCTV that was EXTRACTED from the Met after a) they said the quality was too poor to be viewed, then b) it was lost

    The footage clearly shows him walking up a road to be confronted by a seething mass of noisy yobs. They begin shouting at him and blocking his way so he turns around and walks into the direction they were ordering him to go in..These yobs were police.

    He then goes down the road where the scum bag pig know the rest...he was unlawfully killed. Just like the bloke they beat to death when in custody until he had a heart attack...luckily the lost CCTV was miraculously found.

    If you are EVER stopped by a Police Officer..ALWAYS film it (as it is your right to do so NO MATTER WHAT LIES THEY TELL YOU)...This is to protect you..

    many coppers are normal people, just hopelessly misguided. These are the people the public need to embrace and educate. the meat head bullies will always be just that, except they went to hendon.

    Coppers DO NOT know the law, or your rights..They are not trained to know..therefore they make up offences, tell lies, cover each others arses, falsify evidence, 'lose' evidence, threaten, intimidate and most of all..THEY FORGET THAT THEY ARE PUBLIC SERVANTS...THERE 1ST DUTY WHICH THEY HAVE SWORN AN OATH UPON, IS TO PROTECT THE PUBLIC...This oath is the 1st thing they forget when they put on the fancy dress outfit.
    check out these professional liars, theives, bully boys and revenue collectors..they are all so stupid that they dont even know how easily theyre being manipulated..sorry sods.

    Bicycle Cop Frustrated By Law - YouTube

    Cambridgeshire Police's Intimidation Fails Again - Anti-Fur Protests Continue - YouTube

    STOP AND SEARCH SEIGE - NOT to be SHOWN on cops with cameras 4 - YouTube

    dont let them get away with it.

    i got fined £30 for driving the correct way up a 1 way street 2 weeks ago..there was a police roadblock at the top. copper stopped me, read me the riot act..said theyd been complaints from residents (WTF?!??) i was issued with a fine...He lied and told me that there was a notice at the bottom of the street.

    i parked up, walked down the street..guess what..NO SIGN..although i did see a plain clothes plod on his radio in a parked car..i turned and walked back up the road..ALL THE PIGS HAD GONE..

    I WAS MUGGED BY A CROOK IN A HIGH VIZ JACKET WITH A TIT ON HIS HEAD....i'd broken no law, caused no offence..NOTHING...and they wonder why they get a hard time and people act like 'dickheads' etc towards them..Wake up man ffs...
    #22 funkyrimpler, Jul 19, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2012
  3. Typical though . Even attack the old from the back.
  4. yes, I saw that too. Was surprised at the verdict. The Telegraph website has a biog of the PC: he has previous 'form' for aggression and misuse of the PNC. He's gone from one force to another seemingly without his history following him.

    A bad day for justice.
  5. Have any of you ranting twats been caught in a riot ? Have you ever stood on the line ??? Eh just as well it wasn't a squaddy the,as he probably wouldn't of just pushed him over , I know I fucking wouldn't of!!!! He got in the way he didn't do as he was asked so he got slapped !!!! Simple , yeah most cops are twats ..... But the guy didn't kill him ??? Really ??? Just shoved to the ground???? Kin ell I'm wearing leathers to bed in case I fall out!!! C'mon guys don't chops here pm each other or get in the fuckin ring .... This ain't important..... Soldiers getting killed especially when their fighting for our country 8000mls away and said country is melting down ....... Pack it in you caaaaaaaahnts!!!!

    I won't wait for the abuse just a pm .... Address supplied along with sparring gloves .... Muchos luuuurve butch
    #25 duke1276, Jul 19, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2012
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  6. feeling better now?
  7. i assume you were drunk when you bashed out this illiterate rant??
  8. I think you will find the decision to find him not guilty was down to a jury, 12 members of th public who had access to a lot more evidence than gossip and rumours spreading around the internet. Why not blame the public for their not guilty verdict....
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  9. Butch drunk????? Nah hes just a ticking time bomb!! :biggrin: And you'll find that the tick tick wasnt directed at you!!!
  10. Lol not as pissed as Tomlinson
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  11. Nick, I hear what you're saying. The problems start to arise when the coroner can't accurately determine cause of death. It's 2012, science knows a thing or two about dying and what caused it. This was 'dispatched' in a most unsatisfactory way. Is all I'm saying.
  12. I take all these comments with a bit of a pinch of salt and suspect that funky is having a bad day and in his situation I'm not remotely surprised.

    We somewhat get the police we deserve. Let's face it if you're bright you're more likely to go into banking than the police. Not a great career is it? Overworked, dealing daily with the dregs of society, often trying to find solutions where none exist. All that for wages which are never going to make your life especially comfortable. Of course there are bad and bent ones but hard to tar the whole lot with a big black brush.
    • Like Like x 3
  13. I'm sure they'd be able to determine it if the shoe was on the other foot......

    Anyway my goldfish style attention span has dwindled with this one now......

    Like Marmite....that's what they are!
    #33 XxAnthxX, Jul 19, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2012
  14. No need to paint every Police Officer with the same brush (remember arguments about biker stereotypes?) Also using youtube as your argument? really? Do you think people post videos when the Police officer is right and treats them correctly? No I don't think so.
  15. Well said that man!
  16. The copper probably has a duke and Tomlinson asked where he put the tax disc and what tyres was he running.... That'd get me striking out ....
  17. Has someone just come back from the pub ?
  18. Nope a wake
  19. Interesting write up, I haven't read such a pile of shit since the last time I bought a copy of MCN!
  20. I'm pissed at the moment....I just hope plod doesn't knock on my door right now, otherwise it's "Ta-ta AL"....

    There was no excuse for the plod to attack the guy, regardless whether he was an alky or not......

    He was no threat to anyone as the video clearly shows....he was just ambling across the pavement (possibly p*ssed)....

    In my view, based upon what I ave seen and read, the attack was pre-meditated.......If that is the case, it would be murder.

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