Anyone see Dolly perform at 68!! Good grief. What a dish. She would look good on the back of my 1098!
even at 68 she'd still have to sit facing backwards,rest them on the topbox,we wouldnt both fit on seat normal way ffs..
Meh. Dull. Big tits n wrinkles are not my bag. Neither is Country and Western Good Ol' Boys stuff. Lana Del Ray's a nice bit of eye candy though. Stand out performance? Rodrigo y Gabriela. Superb, Horrors were good too. Brain Jamestown Massacre. Jack White. The Pixies were awesome. Loved Jungle too. Generally Glasto was 'ok'. Not a brill lineup as I remember better ones. Howver i will catch up on ones I missed due to the footie and working on the 1198. Seriously, check out the Rodrigo set. BBC iPlayer - Glastonbury - 2014: Rodrigo y Gabriela on the Pyramid stage