Thanks To Final Edition

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by JerryXt, Jun 30, 2014.

  1. Cheers Andy! My new keyring.

  2. double the use for next time you order a Pizza in (that will cut your pocket to shreds Jerry!)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. Andy thought of that and de-burred it for me :)
    #3 JerryXt, Jun 30, 2014
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2014
  4. Some kind of kinky nipple cover? :Kiss:
  5. Nope. That's what's left of a valve that snapped it's head off :(

    Did a world of damage to the piston, head and barrel
  6. and wallet??
  7. Actually, not so much. I had most of the parts in the cellar!

    Just as well. Race head, matched barrel and piston, 8 valves at £110 each... The only real parts cost are 8 valve guides at a little under £50 each.
  8. The man's a legend in my eyes. More than happy to help out and stoically refused any form of reimbursement. He needs to be careful if we get him in a room together...he'll be pissed very quickly with the amount of beers he's owed!
    • Like Like x 1
  9. did you get a dyno sheet.....
  10. nice!

    Yes, ti valves and (can't remember, but not bronze) special guides, needed because ti is harder on the guides than steel.

    Fortunately, I had a bunch of heads lying around. I'm putting new cams in this motor - after this, just one new set in my cellar...
  11. They're ok if you change them regularly. But then, the cases are supposed to be changed at 400km, so I'm ahead if I don't have to swap them...
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