Each crate has a calf in it, removed from their mother one hour after they were born. The mother had enough time to clean up the birth, lick, smell and intially bond with the calf, before they were taken away to live in boxes. Death will ensue in approximately six weeks. Until then, here they remain, unable to move, so as to make their meat 'tender.' Then they become veal steaks. Male calves are a by product of the dairy industry, this is what happens to some of them. I don't know about you guys but I find this deeply disturbing.
I don't have a problem with eating animals, if god would not have wanted it then he wouldn't have made them out of meat. Like I say no problem being a carnivore but I have a massive problem with shit like this. Regardless of cost Mrs C will only buy meat where she knows the animal has had a standard of life as possible before slaughter.
You don't need to feel guilty about eating British (or even European) veal. Well, not for that reason, anyway: "Veal crates have been prohibited in Britain since 1990, and they were phased out of all European Union member countries by 2007. The board of the American Veal Association has passed a resolution recommending that all veal producers in the United States convert to group housing by 2017." Read more: Veal: A Byproduct of the Cruel Dairy Industry | The Issues | PETA
This is an old photo that does the rounds periodically on the internet usually accompanied by the op's words. The reality is that veal crates were banned in the UK in 1990 and across the rest of Europe in 2007.
Perhaps you would like to tell us where and when this photo was taken, and what it is supposed to show. If you don't know those facts - why did you post it?
Pete do you ever give it a rest. The Op has probably been forwarded the image and decided to share it, as much as I look forward to your input your tone always has a superior air to it. Or its just me. How about That's quite an historic pic, where did you get it? do you know anything about it? Just wondering why you chose to post it? Instead of cross examining.
I allege m'lord, that the photo was taken from the compound of the manufacturer of said items. It is used here in a scurrilous attempt to bait the eldery pantah pants owners into rash and accusatory statement for the benefit and amusement of others.
doesnt really matter what sort of box ,warehouse or whatever theyre stored in,veal is still a six week old baby cow. better pray(sic)the budhists arent right eh n you come back as a cow.
I'm sorry for that. Just realised this is the lounge, of the members club. I shall ensure I'm suitably attired in future and hold my tongue. Chin chin
Thats never Oregon. Its not drizzling down. Oregon is like manchester with trees, forever raining and the inhabitants are all inter-related.
No reason why we cant be more humane before we scoff them. Or are profits more important than suffering?
The image has been posted with the implication that it shows hundreds of little prisons, each with an animal suffering needlessly within it. Except that it doesn't show anything of the kind. It is a highly misleading implication not based on reality. Of course the OP is entitled to post whatever he likes; and the rest of us are entitled to ask him what it is supposed to mean. So what is your problem with that?
Your question isn't what people struggle with @Pete1950, its the way you phrase it and the tone your style of writing implies. I think most on here would consider your posting style accusatory and rude. Having said that there are assumptions that the OP (and other readers) make about the image. Is it current? Don't know. Are there any animals in there? Don't know. If there are cattle in there, are they destined for the UK market. Doubt it as the practice has been outlawed. The internet is full of inaccuracies Pete (Perry Mason) 1950......you can't correct them all.
My posting style is as straightforward and as clear as I can make it. My aim is to mean what I say and say what I mean. Other people are often rude to me, which I don't mind at all, but not me to them. At least, not often! It is interesting that you want to turn a thread about veal calves into a discussion about my posting style. Why would that be, then?