The worst possible news......

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by midlifecrisis, Jun 29, 2012.

  1. Would thicker gloves help?
    I found in racing gloves I couldn't hold the clutch in for long periods as my grip just wasn't there
    Thicker gloves solved the problem for me
  2. seconding johnv, it can help marginally to swivel lever - on the little mito (late one) they've purposely canted the lever angle down which seems to help operation (no weight issues there though). I had chronic tennis elbow on that arm for around 3 years and nearly had an op (glad I didn't now). I found the Oberon together with two springs off clutch was enough (tried 3 off for a while) to get action lighter. There is some fine tuning here though - the aftermarket slaves have various piston bore/travel ratios so some will be lighter than others (plus the late std slaves are just as good ratio wise) also, some of the aftermarket clutch springs (sometimes the shiny stainless type?) can be the culprit here as their spring rates are sky-high compared to the standard ones (particularly on full compression) so can make life harder and defeat the object of removing two of them.
    #22 Chris, Jul 13, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2012
  3. Just stop being a big girls blouse and man up....Lol...its a sore elbow..........:rolleyes:
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  4. Phew, that's a relief!

    When I first saw the thread title I thought Midlifecrisis was about to report the ultimate mid life crisis & tell us his mother in law was going to move in.
  5. Stop plucking the chicken so often!!!

    No seriously the chaps and ladies have some good advice, change is as good as a holiday in this case ie lay off for a week or two, diclophenac sodium (Voltarol) or other anti inflamatory orally wwould be good. Personally dont believe in gels no matter what the pharma people tell us.

    There after change in position, handles bars, clutch, slave all of those should help. Or a new Multistrada???
  6. Phew!! You need to modify the title to this thread. I felt sick when I first read it. Glad its only clutch probs:smile:
  7. I have to now have morphine when I'm bad for pain in particular joint and tendon pain. I can't ride while on it.
    I now have problems undoing simple things like cans and jars.

    How ever you can now if you get into rheumatology dept they can give you a steroid injection in your bum cheek this works wonders in 24 hours and has saved my bacon
    It sorts tedon pain out !
    Also doesn't balloon your face out like pills .. It's keeps me ok for a few weeks anyhow enough to ride!
  8. This
  9. Step 1: Get an Oberon Slave cylinder and some nice after market adjustable ratio levers.
    Step 2: Get a bloody great squeezy ball to exercise your clutch hand.
    Ste 3: Watch this inspirational video by the legend that is Chopper Reid:

    You'll be reet! :upyeah:

    #29 Ascalon, Jul 16, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2014
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  10. Chopper, legend.

    Sat next to him over coffee in Melbourne, being a 'new to Australia pom' I didn't have a clue who he was. Noticed his ears though then my business partner arrived and looked a bit sheepish. After lunch he told me a bit about him and dropped me the DVD at work the next day.

    Scary man indeed.
  11. I'm glad he's turned into a funny man, having been not remotely funny for a large part of his life.

    I wrote a fairly savage review on Amazon of a book of his I read.
    Really glad he's had a conversion.
  12. He's not, that's a skit.
  13. Ah. Tout s'explique.

    In that case, I'm still glad I wrote the review I did. I was beginning to feel a bit guilty about it.
  14. i despise him purely for using a canned laughter track. he actually sounds like an englishman doing a shit oz accent.
  15. No, it's a skit!
  16. ive read and reread the title of this thread and its pissing me off.

    youve got a bit of tendonitis...ive had tendonitis and capral tunnel mate and had to have ultrasound....i'm still here. it sounds as though your tendonitis is very minor, particularly as you havent even been prescribed anti inflammatories such as diclofenac...with 'real' tendonitis you wouldnt be able to pick up a coffee cup..ive been there. On the 30th July i have to have major spinal surgery. Let me tell you, never being able to ride again (which isnt even something youve got to worry about) is the furthest thing from my mind....having a succesful operation, not ending up a quadraplegic, and getting my life back are more important than riding a fkn bike..

    no offence mate but seriously..get a grip...
  17. Funky - remember the things that make you succeed and get better. For me it was racing and riding my bike, thats what drove me to get my rehab done, get back to the gym and walk then jog less than 4 months after my back fusion. Some have done it quicker, others not, but knowing I'd return to the seat gave me the motivation to keep pusing myself, get off the drugs and get on with it!

    Best of luck mate, life begins post op
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  18. bradders....

    damn it..theres no throbbing heart emoticons....1-0 to the old ducatisti on that one.

    had my pre op today and got a guided tour of the HDU after i'd put my pants back on..sadly the nurses all look like xanthx...ive got about 5 days of staring at the walls before im allowed once mighty 17" guns have shrivelled to a Mr.Puniverse 12" pea shooters (not quite that bad on the left, but still weedy)...and i cant lift my arm up much past my chest...never mind moving my head around or tap dancing..i was thinking about taking up Riverdance lessons.
  19. Suck it up mate; life chucks shit in big dollops sometimes, but it is merely a test of ones mettle and when you're thru, it gets easier and easier. Giving up often seems the easy option but is in fact the hardest...having to look in the mirror and see someone who packs in looking back is far worse than any physical pain. Pills help with that :wink:
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  20. no self pity here son...dihydrocodeine, diclofex, methocarbomol, amoxillin (ive had a chest infection for 5 wks), citalopram and a brew for breakfast work wonders!
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