
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by johnv, Jun 30, 2014.

  1. Are you saying that there are cows and sheep browsing these internets?
  2. I believe a swat with a sufficiently powerful shaped charge would be sufficient to deal with a grizzly.
  3. Be easier to shoot it. I couldn't possible whittle a spear whilst being pursued by hordes of grizzlies.
  4. What, you can't multi-task, boots?

    Are you saying, the wimmins is right about us men?
  5. You'd be less able to forge a barrel, make some black powder, a firing mechanism, a handle and a projectile whilst running from a bear.
  6. No. Its pingpong. He's having a go at the birds now.
    • Like Like x 1
  7. Bloody chauvinist.
  8. But I'd have used my 'big brain' to remember to take one with me.
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  9. Climb a tree, brown bears don't climb trees ( however, black bears do, so make sure you've checked the fur/hair roots ( in case of hair die) to be sure of colour, of any such ursus arctos horribils before looking for said tree like structure.
    #69 TT600, Jun 30, 2014
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2014
  10. Hornbills? They mostly eat fruit, don't they?
  11. Indeed.

    This season i shall mostly be eating fruit like substances, in the hornbill world.

    doh! sausage typing fingers....
  12. ... mmm ... sausage fingers ... mmm ...
  13. bit of road kill cant beat it. and not that unusual up here.
  14. Do you check for CJD, fin? Or just take pot luck?
  15. I did eat some roasted badger road kill at the West Country game fair a couple of years back. Slightly fatty, but tasty.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. can you get cjd from wild animals.
  17. Not from animals, no. It's only found in human beings, as far as I know.

    So ... answer the question, fin.
  18. 5th amendment
  19. I am actually very lighthearted, thanks very much, and I love helping people whenever I can. Of course I enjoy finding loopholes in others arguments, just as I hope others will point out weaknesses in my arguments - if they can find any. This process - putting forward ideas, having them criticised, developing them, putting forward better ones - is known as "learning". It's fun. The bit I don't understand is why the process of challenging ideas seems to upset you so much.
  20. Oh, Pete.

    It's the difference between saying:

    "You're wrong and here's why ..."


    "You're a moron and here's why ..."

    But you already knew that, Pete. It's where the fun is, as both we well know.

    You may now insert your confused protestations of innocence and ignorance :upyeah:
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