Had a lovely bit of dog in South Korea , own 3 myself but you know what it was gorgeous. I believe that whilst these animals are lovely kind soft and faithful they are so feckin tasty. However not so sure about the way they are kept , housed without love in these 'kennels' I do believe they are cruel no freedom no space, No Walkies . Look how unhappy these dogs are in these cruel overcrowded cages. So whilst I love dog a la orange, and fillet of fido . Please remember these dogs have feelings . Oh by the way this picture was sent to me by the fdi friends of doggy independence. These people liberate poor dogs like these, so I know the provenance
You don't eat dog. End of discussion. You don't eat cat either and in my view, neither do you eat horse (though most continentals would disagree). In much of Asia of course, animal welfare is an alien concept and if it ever lived its fine to "harvest" it. We will soon no doubt see the end of the elephant, rhino, tiger etc as they are slaughtered for some small part of their anatomy in view of some ridiculous religious belief.
While I don't agree with the eating of dog, I eat pork, and beef, which a major part of the worlds population find abhorrent. So I am reluctant to judge others by my moral standards.
I did eat some "Mountain Fox" (read Alsatian) in China a long time ago probably about 25 years back. This was when China was pretty isolated. We had just completed a project there and had to go to a banquet with the Mayor. All the delicacies were there, deep fried 1/2 Sparrow anyone? Now being Jockinese I'll eat almost anything deep fried................Sparrow, complete with the eye and claw (its 1/2'd remember) still present and correct..............No well the Mountian Fox is luverrly and so it went on. Thank God I couldnae recognize nearly all the stuff put down at the table. I did know I never seen anything in my previous experience that I'd call food. Finished with many many "Gambis" (dunno if that's the spelling, Chinese for "bottom of the glass") of Mao Tai. Being Glaswegian I drink any falling doon juice available but Mao Tai is the only thing that really makes me boke, it also comes back on you every time you burp for about a week. Ended the night pissed, starving and feeling sick...............felt quite homesick, reminded me of any Friday with the mates. The "Mountain Fox" was disgusting (well you get curious don't you???) fatty, chewy and not unlike a very very bad roast beef, No honestly no seconds for me. John
I still fail to see why any animal cannot be reared for its meat provided it's reared in humane conditions and slaughtered appropriately. There is no difference between a dog and a pig other than how it's viewed culturally. If you want cruelty see any caged, flighted bird - the ultimate expression of suffering and imprisonment.
Know your history, we only avoid eating horse because of some religious zealots attempting to (alas successfully) indoctrinate the English population. Horse is a perfectly acceptable meat for human consumption and while I don't know the facts, I suspect dog is fine as well. Humans eat things like guinea pigs and rats in other parts of the world and even some insects are fine. Don't mistake perceptions borne from the middle ages as correct. I've served crocodile at dinner parties and happily severed ostrich and kangaroo. I don't have as many dinner parties these days.....
I am guessing by the attitudes of some on here that they have never wanted for the basics in their life. An animal that can be caught and eaten is food and if you are hungry you will eat it.
Dogs are not for eating, this nation has taken them as working animals, for friendship and companionship. Always had mutts running around, bloody hard work, but wouldn't do without them.
Hmmm, never eaten a veggie horse rider. I would stick to eating the female ones though. Best they have a good wash too prior to the eating, all that saddle action can make them smelly and even frothy.............