Hi I will be re roofing the garage soon. I need to replace the corrugated asbestos with something similar. Whilst asbestos has many bad qualities it does a good job of preventing condensation forming on the inside surface. Can anyone recommend a suitable material for the job? Anyone with a galvanised metal roof will recognise the condensation problem I refer to. Thanks in advance.
just dun an asbestos aware course yesterday,(had to for to work on some sites) not sure if you know about that stuff need to be very carful if you are taking it off the roof as its not nice, even drilling it is bad !!!on a happier note if you put galvanised instead put some spray bond coat to the underside and you wont get any condensation works a treat in mine stuart
Onduline, innit?..........Good product.......covers large areas quickly........ ......but you could spend a bit of time and use fibre cement slates, if you have enough roof pitch..........I have gone down to 10 degrees with success, but 17.5 degrees is really the limit. I have a pic of my workshop roof if you are interested in them.......
Come on, let's see em-can't beat a bit of tile on tile action..... Why have you taken pics of your workshop roof....?
You weren't looking where the blowtorch flame was going were you?..........That's buggered your Nike's
A membrane under your metal roof will do the job. tyvek or similar, lapped so any moisture runs down it and exits into gutter.
I nicked it from a shop build on Oxford St. 100% waterproof and no condensation. Gave myself sciatica getting it down the scaffolding though...
Me? No, sorry. It wasnt strictly stealing, I might add, just surplus materials the roofers left behind.
Thanks guys for the advice. Will look at the options offered.... And take a lot of care removing the asbestos.