The Very Worst In Customer Service - Stickers

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by MrAliT, Jul 4, 2014.

  1. Wow......just wow. Have a look at this thread and the emails the customer received back • View topic - Motostars decals (poor)

    disclaimer : obviously this is all 3rd hand info and it may not be what actually happened just in case anyone wanted to point that out ;)
  2. It's immense isn't it! What a way to treat your customers....and in writing too!
  3. :D Good job he isn't a member on here. this thread would go on for eons :D
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. I think he'd end up giving up as we digressed to how sticky they are or what he'd had for breakfast :D
    • Like Like x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. someone was just having a bad day:)
  6. Made me laugh!
  7. I'm not convinced that's the way to go about making it get better! :D

    It made me chuckle too but whilst shaking my can anyone nuke their own business that way....especially when it can be spread so quickly to so many potential customers
  8. Surely the guy who was selling the stickers cannot be that bright, being rude about our military, they have a violent tendency and access to drones !
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. what a complete toss head a ferking ice hole cork sucking bastage...................grr
  10. shove a small (with sharp edges ) ied up his dark place.
  11. Brilliant

    The guys first email was rude tho
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. I thought it a bit much e mailing him you were going to tell everyone not to buy off him before he had a chance to rectify.then the seller really fecks up.
  13. It's not very good is it? There's some very scary dudes living in Poole that would possibly be a little upset with that. There's an awful lot of marines too.
    • Like Like x 1
  14. Thought the buyer was a little bit ott, but kin ell the sellers response was awesome. Apparently he thinks all bike buyers are c#nts as well. Charming me think he may regret this.
  15. So army boys are upset so go pay a visit and do the guy over....and not thick then?! If violence doesn't solve it nothing will eh...
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. I doubt any serving dude would do anything, especially in the name of the armed forces. I can't say the same for any pro military groups down that way though...
  17. What? Post Military Twatting?
  18. His business, he can say what he wants :)
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