Crap...what To Do With My U.s. Spec Helmets???

Discussion in 'Clothing, Gadgets & Equipment' started by JIMMYRAY31B, Jul 7, 2014.

  1. Cool thanks. I have a Kevin Shwantz replica and was hoping I could still wear it.
  2. Buy a sticker if it makes you happy and gives you peace of mind, otherwise just forget about it. No one is interested.
  3. I have when a poker run was stopped and every rider breath tested, licence checked, bikes checked and helmets checked

    There was some politics involved concerning who was organising said event and the powers that were wanted said event closed down
  4. According to American scientists Physics is 35% more awesome within the continental United States due to all the spare freedom they have floating around. Thus helmets must be able to withstand greater damage.

  5. What are " continental United States"?
  6. Google it you lazy sod
  7. Mines worn out and busy checking UDI for someone....
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. I can use contiguous if you prefer
  9. Nah, I prefer garlic.
  10. poch ma hon. sorry that Gaelic :smile:
  11. [​IMG]
    • Like Like x 3

  12. Imigh leat!
  13. [​IMG]

    Freedom omlette anyone?
  14. Those are 40mm grenades, for the unaware
  15. HEDP? = Highly Explosive, Deep Penetration? giggity
  16. Let's find out?
  17. my ear trumpet no longer functions. strange expression, even for the Irish
  18. The Gold ACU sticker is for race purposes.............No helmet can be used in competition if it doesn't have one.

    A helmet does not need a Gold ACU sticker for road use............and there are many good and even more bad helmets that are legal for road use in the UK without the sticker.

    In fact, there are some helmets on the market that have gold ACU stickers which have been applied by the importers and thoses helmets may not be suitable for anything more than the bin.

    However, most UK helmets also have a BSI sticker or possibly a CE sticker / marking...........The BSI ones were paper and came off or wore as soon as they got wet..........

    But...........I doubt very much an average traffic plod would know that a helmet didn't comply with UK / CE legislation........IIRC the law states the rider must wear a helmet as following.......

    All helmets worn on UK roads must either:

    • meet British Standard BS 6658:1985 and carry the BSI Kitemark
    • meet UNECE Regulation 22.05
    • meet a European Economic Area member standard offering at least the same safety and protection as BS 6658:1985, and carry a mark equivalent to the BSI Kitemark

    Interestingly, in my workshop, I have the original visor sticker that came off my Arai in the 90s........A Snell Foundation sticker.

    Besides............Snell Certification is to higher standards than those quoted above.
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