In fact, going back to how it was, whilst perhaps inefficient in terms of actual milk production, would possibly reduce the demand for plastic milk bottles, cut the carbon footprint cost per pint due to the use of electric vehicles and the reduced private vehicle usage in trips to the supermarket, increase the use of recyclable glass milk bottles, reduce landfill waste, provide more employment for local people, support fair trade farming, and deliver tasty milk to my door step of a morning. So it's not all bad. Did you not read the input from the dairy farmer? The problem is the monopolisation of dairy farms and their produce by supermarkets strong-arming farmers. So sod efficiency. It's more efficient to buy meat from the supermarket in bulk each week but you only have to waste one pack of chicken breasts at £5 a pop and you could have had fresher, better quality chicken and supported fair farming by buying your meat from a butcher at a 50p / 500g higher price ten times!
what about a farmer just bringing around a cow and milk the bloody thing, could also bring along a goat and a sheep for a wee cuddle
I'd have a goat if my garden was bigger. Id butcher my own animals too if I could process the waste and had a place to do it. It saves loads of money.
......or indeed, a farmer could bring a suite of small calves round, wearing blindfolds ( or Matts new sunglasses..) , so you can carve your own, on the hoof, ............ veal steaks!! Well done everyone. 12 pages, topics from veal to timbuctoo, via curry, leaning tower of Pizza, and giant tiger prawns, aaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnndddddddddd.............back to VEAL........ Job done, thread closed!!!
its a fishing tackle supplier based in Bristol Veals Mailorder > Welcome to our new and improved Veals Mailorder website but thats not important right now.
We use a milkman only comes 3x a week but well worth it. Cracking insight about food waste and the cost of one pkt of chicken being wasted equalling the cost of shopping locally. If you go to France Spain etc they maintain the baker, the butcher etc and they are given government support to continue supplying the local population whilst still maintaining super markets. Shows it can be done.
Yes I did. And as I said "Which is OK if that is what you want and it makes the world a better place."
Well I thought it was important so I looked a the site. Have you seen how much a rod is without a reel and all the crap that goes with it.
small and local doesn't mean better and fresher. My 'local' butchers stuff looks ropey even on the best days
If you want items delivered, order online or by phone from Ocado, Tesco, Sainsbury's etc all of whom will deliver milk (and any other groceries) to your door daily. So who is complaining this service is not available?
i am, they wont come daily to us got to book a slot in advance. might not want steak a week next Tuesday.
Oddly enough there were formerly many thousands of electric vehicles (many of them made by Brush) intensively used all over UK, but they have gradually declined over many years until by now they have almost disappeared. This reality contrasts strikingly with the loads of waffle talked (over the same years) about increasing the use of electric vehicles.
ironically, there was a business model that could have suited local co-op type businesses clubbing together to offer home delivery but at supermarket overhead. Or I reckon it could have.