Mrs Mervyn thinks it's time for me to label up all my spare motorbike parts with a brief description and their value I go into a couple of shops to buy some tie on luggage labels.What,£2 for ten labels,you are joking,I'm not paying that .So I am quite happy to spend many hundreds of pounds on a load of old bike bits,but not a few pence on some labels-am I the only one?
I moaned at SWMBO when she bought a pair of shoes the day I picked up my new bike back in May. I was promptly reminded of how much I had just spent. I promptly reminded her that I had just one bike!
Yep, your priorities are spot on. My wife complains that I spend all this money on bikes but naff all on clothes. She says I look like Shaggy. Its true. I couldnt care less about my outward appearance. As long as its clean. BTW. I do not own a single tie. I wont wear one. Ridiculous things. I dont even own a suit. Even at work i am jeans and a shirt.
its prob cos your buying proper luggage labels, with reinforced pin hole etc etc go out and buy a pack of 100 cable ties - 90p, say- , and a pack of reasonably thick paper/card, you'll have a pair of scissors in the house. get mrs M snipping and and you've just made 100 of your own.....
Or make labels using bits of masking tape. If the parts are a bit oily then beware, the oil will discolour the tape and leave your writing illegible. I did this with a BSA engine I stripped, inlet and exhaust pushrod tubes, ditto cam followers etc, all labelled and put in a box with the oil pump. A couple of weeks later, on opening the box, not a single label was readable. $*&?#@! On second thoughts, buy the labels.
Sounds awfully pessimistic of the future mervyn... If my missus wants me to label how much my stuff is worth I'd be hiding the knives!
I think Mrs Mervyn is being practical and is concerned about all my treasures scattered throughout the house and garage.She certainly doesn't need the money from the proceeds, so I think it's a bit of forward planning.
Knowing how wonderful mrs mervyn often sounds, I'm sure it's the best plan! How about an oil based paint pen?
The tie does have a use (I wear one every day without fail, ditto cuff links and a watch) if you ever drop coffee, egg, or any similar breakfast type substance in the morning, it will end up (most likely) on your tie. Remove the tie, undo the top button and you are still presentable enough for most meetings. The truly prepared man has a black tie either in the glove box or desk drawer to replace it for more important meetings. There isn't a more suitable answer to this problem.
Kippers - wear one, or eat it for breakfast. Multi optional tasking. I am sure bootsam has a kipper tie tucked up with his Vespa. Despite protestations au contraire.
I've been looking at a £40k Desmosedici and the missus just sez go for it if we can afford it yet I whine when she forks out for another pair of £50 shoes but then again she's probably got £40k worth of shoes! Bless her tho for not saying no. Still can't afford the Desmo tho