Well here is my latest addition, Tree Of Life inspired by Gustav Klimt. This is the first tattoo that I have had done where I had quite a nasty allergic reaction, swelling, redness and itching, popped a pm on Arsebook to my tattooist asking if they had changed inks etc but no they hadn't, turns out that this reaction is common ish in women after a hysterectomy , who would have thunk it huh
Jeez I must be a total retard ! "must" ... Sorry am! I am very coloured in and a fair bit of scrap metal . Because you have facial piercings people assume everything from the neck downs pierced. They are more shocked when I say actually just my face is pierced. I need a bunch of tattoos removed now. Booked in for a new one early next year Al as you have 2 tattoos that makes you a right iffy crim or a holligan tut tut !
See I'm bolloxed!!! In the minus zone for braincells before I was tattooed or pierced . Better ring up Eastbourne's finest old people's home now
Im in the middle of getting a tattoo with a similar kind of idea/theme, don't have any photos of it though. What are the orangey/black square bits?
What's wrong with putting this in the piercing and tattoo thread? We need to get it resurrected, if only to get more pics of Pixie in her smalls!!!
Still got one arm to finish and my whole back . By the time that's all done il prob then peg it. I get more positive comments then negative