True not heard anything bad about diesels always wanted an Alfa but everyone I have ever known who owns/owned one had problems with them
Kin ell finm, just looking at em. What the petrol ones like? Looking at clover leafs Actually now realised they do a cracking 170 jtdm diesel . Ta for that and there was me thinking you were taking the piss .
revy, around hear diesel own the road torquey with a good rev range. and a very reliable engine one or two known inexpensive issues, which can be put down to not driving it hard enough.
Had a 147 hard for 3yrs. Only thing I had issue with was track rod ends and wishbones... Engine was a gem. 120k when I sold it and it went like stink for a little diesel. Steer clear of the selespeed...
Fiat 500? Not the "City" version, get something a bit hotter. Deceptively good car, terrific handling.
I had an Alfa for 5 years and 100k miles a few years ago and the missus had another for 3 years and 40k miles. Both really good cars and very reliable. They even worked out to be quite economical as they were both secondhand so someone else took the main hit on depreciation. I`d have no hesitation in getting another , just never a new one unless the dealer will knock £thousands off.
is this personal experience ? have 3 alfa's and no problems with reliability on any of them and best of all because everybody thinks they are so unreliable for used alfas you get twice the car for your money
TBH I know at least a couple of friends who bought Alfa 156s (because they liked mine) and had problems with them. But my 14 year old one has given no problems to speak of in 125k miles. So I hesitate to tell everyone that they are completely reliable, just that in 25 years of Alfa ownership, and about 250'000 miles, I haven't really had any problems. That's only 2 cars, so both were getting on eventually. Until I can afford a super expensive car, I will continue to buy Alfas. It's a style thing.
I have always loved alfa's I agree about audis my wife's choices, and it's not personal experience as stated but personal knowledge from friends. Saying that I have owned 2 late low miles scooby legacy's the rep is bullet proof. My experience far far from bulletproof, v expensive when they go wrong. Seriously looking at a giulietta either jtdm2 or cloverleaf turbo.
ford build better quality cars with less problems than audi if reliability and reputation are your prime parameters in buying a car
My weekday drives are a 116d bag of shit MY2013 BMW - it like riding a restricted 125 2 stroke. Gutless below 2k and needs the gear box stirring constantly to get a move on. One with adecent motor maybe ok. And my other weekday car is a Merc A180 CDI sport amg - handles like a jelly and has another piece of shit gutless small capacity diesel fucking joke of a motor. diesel = 3litre min.
Get a Ducati Alfa, best of both
Golf tdi. Miles better. Common as muck but that just goes to prove. Just bought one for the mrs and she's nearly happy, (which is a lot for her).
Alfa's. We had 2 petrol 147's, 159 and Brera diesels. Front end fell out of the 147's and the 2ltr one broke a belt and clipped a couple of valves. The 159 blew 2 turbos. The Brera, well its had its moments, mostly engine problems. I can honestly say that there was never an issue with the dealer and warranty cover. An Alfa has something that drivers of VW and other similar manufacturers don't understand and I like that.