Can Human Nature Improve?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Pete1950, Jul 14, 2014.

  1. Obvious progress has taken place over millennia. Customs that were common throughout human history and prehistory – slavery, punishment by mutilation, execution by torture, genocide for convenience, endless blood feuds, the summary killing of strangers, rape as the spoils of war, infanticide as a form of birth control, and the legal ownership of women – have vanished from large parts of the world, even though they were long thought to be an inescapable part of 'human nature'.

    There are those in the present who are glad and grateful to see those changes, and want them to become permanent and universal. And there are others who want to see them reversed. The existential struggle between the two viewpoints defines our world.
  2. correct me if i am wrong but aint you

    1 on holiday
    2 abroad with some fantastic roads to ride
    3 abroad with some fantastic views to see
    4 abroad with potentially mates on route to a ducati event?

    just saying..
  3. He's having "a moment" :)
  4. Someone has 'pulled out' on him and after verbally abusing said fellow, he is having a moment of reflection to absolve his guilt.
  5. He's saving the World, one Ducati at a time :upyeah:
  6. As much as I like your colloquy, at times i do wonder... :)
  7. Sounds to me like a person who's just bought a KTM and is having to deal with both dealer and KTM UK.
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  8. pete is that peoples fear of judgment by their peers and doing what the law tells them to do?if the world collapsed into anarchy all these things would return. so I don't think human nature has changed.

    no please don't..
    shout at me
    point out how stupid I am
  9. Stopped to buy a bacon and egg sandwich at a cafe and been considering this question a while now.....been over 30 minutes, for a bacon and egg sandwich.....on a Monday afternoon!

    Very soon some of your mentioned atrocities are liable to be revived in a very localised part of the UK.....which probably answers your question well. So long as people are comfortable, then the changes will stay. Should things change and the human race fall upon hard times then I strongly suspect they won't.
  10. Human beings are primarily inclined to survive.

    If survival means living together socially and following social rules and conventions, such as we are currently familiar with, they will do that.
    If survival at some point becomes a matter of dog-eat-dog and only-the-strong-survive, then they will do that instead.
  11. ... mmm .... bacon sandwich ... i could kill for one of those about now ...
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  13. None of what Pete mentions has vanished from human nature. They have merely been 'managed' via societal norms and governance. Remove those and they will return with a vengeance. Pete is, rather unusually, suffering from a bout of optimism regarding human nature.
  14. It was lovely....when it arrived! Buggers forgot me :( I did manage to resist the temptation to rape, pillage and loot though! 1-0 to the good side of human nature!
    • Thanks Thanks x 2
  15. Don't waste all these ideas before we get to Germany!
  16. Well, after a lot of
  17. Never did fully understand Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.....But I am thick and I know this because a qualified teacher told me so!
    If you can read this thank a teacher!
  18. The OP was based on a thought of Stephen Pinker by the way, which I ought to acknowledge.
  19. Thank you.
  20. Yes, but what's your point? I don't take holidays from thinking. Or is that just me?
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